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Argonian lore


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Tried Wiki and google, no luck to my questions, probably not any answers but I thought this place was as good as any to check.


The Argonian accent, is it just that, an accent, or is what they sound like due to their species? In other words, if an Argonian child were born and raised in Solitude, would he sound like any typical Argonian or would he sound like an Imperial? (Working on a mod putting Argonian children, possibly infants, into the game)


Pretty sure I know the next questions answer, but never hurts to ask; When Argonians are born, do they start as eggs or is it just like a human birth? If they do start as eggs is it multiple, or a single large one? Only thing I can go off of is some refer to each other as Egg Brother/Sister, but to me that's not enough to go off of.


I've thought of a few ways implementing infants into the mod I'm working on, simple infant sized Argonians, a large fish tank full of miniature tadpole's with snake like heads, or having a select few Argonian females carrying around a single, large egg.

Picturing it in my head....they all look kinda goofy, and the fact that there's so little info on Argonian childhood doesn't help.


In the event I had to go on a whim and start picking, which do you think the community would be more open to regarding these questions?

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That's about the best lore you'll find on the net.



Thanks for the link, though unfortunately it answered very little. I do know now that their native tongue consist of 'grunts and squeaks', so this leads me to believe that the way they sound is just an accent, nothing more. For now I'm satisfied with them having the children's voices already put into the game. Also strongly considering implementing Hist tree's somewhere.


Any thoughts/comments on what Argonian infants would look like from anyone?

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There's a lot of unanswered questions like this in the lore... such as what happen if Race A and Race B has a kid together, or even if that's possible, etc.


If I were to take a guess on if Argonians hatch from eggs or not, I would go with eggs, because that's what most reptiles/amphibians do. That wiki page I linked you refers to the young as hatchlings, but I don't think it's really verified.


As for sound, I would generally like them to have the accent, because I think they're just going sound odd without it. There's a lot of great voice actors around, I'm sure you could find somebody.


If you're going to implement a Hist tree somewhere, and you want this mod to be lore-friendly, you're going to have to make up a pretty fantastic story of how it got there. I'm pretty sure Hist trees only grow in the Black Marsh, and if you find one outside the marsh it would have had to been transported there (Like in that Fighters Guild quest in Oblivion.) I also think I ready somewhere that the Hist effect Argonian young physically as well as mentally, so it might be hard to be born away from one.


All that said... if you think you can make this mod, go for it :) It would be nice to see some beast kids running around... or at least mer kids.

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If you're going to implement a Hist tree somewhere, and you want this mod to be lore-friendly, you're going to have to make up a pretty fantastic story of how it got there. I'm pretty sure Hist trees only grow in the Black Marsh, and if you find one outside the marsh it would have had to been transported there (Like in that Fighters Guild quest in Oblivion.) I also think I ready somewhere that the Hist effect Argonian young physically as well as mentally, so it might be hard to be born away from one.


All that said... if you think you can make this mod, go for it :) It would be nice to see some beast kids running around... or at least mer kids.


I'm currently remodeling the Proudspire Manor house in Solitude to occupy children, off the top of my head I was gonna try to make a section of their bedroom a mini swamp with a small tree. (Both my main and fiance in game are Argonian, so it makes sense.) Once I get everything worked out in Solitude, I'm gonna implement it in other cities, modifying Argonian NPC homes for children. I also read that the Hist tree is important for a childs growth, both physically and culturally so I definitely want it implemented somehow.

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I think Argonians hatch from eggs because they refer to the younger children as "Hatchlings". That being said, the Argonians are quite an interesting and somewhat mysterious race.


Also, Yoshi, you're rough draft isn't displaying :(

Edited by James009
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