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What kind of spells do you want?


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Duel wield any two spells and have them combine in a unique way.


...Course, that's also a TON of spells, but I've been spread sheeting it for a while :tongue:


Mostly, it's about making them DIFFERENT in application, not just different in effect. I don't want 5 spells which shoot a ball of different "elements", have barely different "status effects", or simply do more damage.


THIS! Definately! :o


What's the game I'm thinking that had that kinda combining spells or something to make more awesome spells. All I can come up with is Magicka, but that's not it...




EDIT: AAAAAAAA.... it came to me!


Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia! :>

Edited by Ianuarius
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I haven't downloaded midas magic OR Phendrix. Do you know why? All of their spells do relatively the same thing, do you know what that is? Over populate my spell book. Make spells that level with you, at least the damage anyways. Also spells should look different/function totally different too.
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Midas is full of unique and interesting spells. Phendrix has many great ones as well. They both have some rehashing damage spells, but they also have quite a few unique and interesting new ones. Since you can get the spells individually, they do not need to overload your book. Have you given them a try recently?

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I'd love to see some sort of Telekinetic Slice and Dice spell, like the Spectral Blade spell in Diablo 3 (most recent that comes to mind).


Other then that, ill just add the spell list from my favorite anime.


Here some other spell Dark Schneider use :

Anselm: This spell uses combined Wind and Fire, Some magical arrows are created in the user's hands ( the number of arrow depend on the user's power) Arrow can be use against one single target or a group of target. It is possible to make the arrows dodge obstacles.


Sodom: This is a spell that uses Dark energy, Short range, Multiple blades cut the target to pieces. The dark energy concentrate when the user raise the hand, and when he drop it, the air vibrate and those vibration are transform into blade that cut the target in slices.


Damned: This is a Fire Spell, Medium Range, Grow some magical energy in front of the user that act like a bomb. Explosion start from the hand of the user and expend in the given direction.


Val Volt: This is a Wind Spell, Short to Medium range, Create a magnetic field in the magical sphere of the user, this magnetic field changes the magnetic density of the atmosphere and destroys the target with a strong electrical energy coming from the sky.


Venom: This is a Spell that uses Dark energy, Short Range, Magical enzyme coming directly from the hell's gates, that melt to dust the target touched by it.


Exodus: This is a Spell combining Dark, Wind, and Fire magic, Range Medium, Flames engulf user body which become hard as stone, and the user is thrown against the target melting everything on is way.


Voy Vot: This spell uses Dark magic, Range Short to Medium, Gives death by boiling the blood of the target. An Electrical field is created around the user, and strong lightning energy strikes the target making his blood cells move so fast that his internal temperature raise to the death.


Intelipeli: This spell uses Fire magic, Short range, Creates and throws multiple small magical bombs (Approximately 10). Each of these bomb liberate a small blast of energy.


Guilbert: Summon, Wind Elemental, Summons some small Wind Elemental that are really fast and can strike with some strong electrical charge.


Skead Low: Fire, Short Range, Does a luminous shock wave around the user, the closer the target highest the damage.


Da Fola: Summon, Fire Elemental, Summon some small Fire Elemental, that use spears and emit some hot ray as weapon.


Ultimate Cold: Water combined with Wind, The user makes a blizzard extremely cold throwing wave of cold to the target, everything freezes in the range of the spell.


Venjend: This spell uses Wind magic, Range Short to Medium. Throws a plasma ball from the hand of the user to the target, this plasma ball makes a hole in the target and explodes.


Dee'n Tear: Wind spell, Short to Medium Range A huge tornado throwing wind blades in all directions, hard to dodge.


Golem: Summon, Divinity spell, Summons up a Golem that obeys his creator.



Also noticed someone already made the Dragon Slave spell from the Slayers Anime. Sadly its not up on the nexus, despite the same user did the fire and ice sword spell?


Anyway, i was in the works myself to try and do some of the spells in my list, but i've only managed to create one custom spell of my own. I think these Creation Tools are great once you start to learn them! :D


Venom in action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kbppl0InaCA

Edited by Vinth
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^See the "problem" I'd have with that, and I suspect TC does (and I put it in quotes because they're not bad, but probably not what he's looking for), is that those are mostly just one of two spells:

-do damage to targeted creature instantly

-do damage by having something move to them, like a ball


Now, yeah, it can be via stuff like dark energy or blood boiling, but really, they seem very...samey in application and effect. In practice, it doesn't matter if I conjure a soul arrow from my hands and shoot it, throw a fireball at the target, or utilize the power of the gates of hell to coalese into a ball which I shoot at the enemy: sans elemental effects (which TC is trying to avoid), those are all just simple projectiles.


I don't wanna sound mean, but...I think TC has some very specific goals in mind. I liked the creativity!


...oh, and TC=topic creator :sweat:


....who I am not, and can not, speak[ing] for so I'll shut up :ohdear:

Edited by Jakisthe
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Im aware he wanted something more like the utility spells seen in stuff like D&D, and im all in for that, i love using magic for other stuff then just attacking things.


I just felt the need to add my list somewhere. :D


Anyway, things like: Feather Fall, Web, Dimensional Gate etc, is some cool none damaging spells that would be nice to see.

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