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Problem with adding mods


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I am new on Skyrim ...from like 2 days and i decided to add some mods, but....problem came.


I have a problem with adding mods to the game. I use the normal nexus manager when i download them, after i install them by double clicking on them, and says "Installation successful". Then i launch the game, and no mods? no effects, no armors, no secret places, nothing. I also did what the description of the mods told me to do.


I do admit that some mods such as the "enhanced sky" and "USP" and "Sharpshooters" have worked, But that's all :(

So what should i do to make them work and have them in the game?


Off topic: Do you guys know how can i make my game go smoother? I play on low graphics and use the texture mods that i mentioned up, and it does some freezes :(!


Thank you

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Hey Swooke, some armor/weapon mods will only show once you have the correct Smithing perk in the Smithing Perk Tree. IE say you have installed a Daedric weapon that needs Daedric smithing, you need to get to Daedric smithing before you can use that mod.


If you can list them perhaps we can help.


As for the graphics .......what are your system specs??

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Thank you for the tips. But i knew that with the smithing perks.


I have the Warchief Armor mod that is on the Orcish perk. I go to the Skyforge in Whiterun and select the Orcish section, but it's not there. All my section are for vanilla.

I also tried manual instal and still nothing :(.


I did the graphic thing, not it's fine :).

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No myellow triangle is fine just means they need updating which you can do if you like just de-activate the old version and activate the new one then start game. If any probs revert back to old version.


Ok , may have found the problem it says that the armor can be found at a "Normal" forge so the Sky forge may not allow it.


If that isn't it it could be a Mod confliction and i would need to know your other mods 8-)

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Unlike some games, in Skyrim (most) mod makers don't just leave complete suits of expensive high level armor in a crate to be picked up by the first vagrant that opens the box. :tongue: You may actually have to make it yourself.


For most armor you need to have a certain perk from the armorer perk tree - especially the higher level stuff. If you want to make Dwarven armor, you have to have that ability first. Or it will not alow you to make it.


Then you have to have the necessary ingredients. You cannot make Dragon Bone armor without having enough Dragon Bones. Check what you need to make whatever custom armor you are attempting.



Be sure to READ the documentation for the mod to see what is needed - Note, If a mod says it needs something else, such as another mod installed, or SKSE, - and you don't have it - then you won't get that mod to work in the game.:thumbsup:

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