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Permanently delete items?


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Is there a way to permanently delete items (even from memory etc) other than selling them? I got lots of armors from mods, and it's such a hassle to try on one, exit inventory window, talk to NPC, bring up merchants window, scroll all the way down to find the armor, then sell it. I gotta do that one by one since I can't try on armor and sell at the same time. If I drop them onto the floor (which is convenient since I can try it on then immediately press R), how to I permanantly remove it? I know back in Oblivion the command is "remove", however that only makes it invisible I think, doesn't really remove it from memory, which is kind of dangerous.
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Don't bother trying to get clever with this. Sure, you can dump everything on the ground and use the console command "markfordelete" on each item and then wait around for the area to respawn and they'll all be gone.


However, Occam's Razor states that the simplest solution to a problem is usually the best one. Just find a respawning container (which is most of them in the game that aren't in your player-owned homes) and dump what you don't want in that. When it respawns all that junk will be gone. I typically use one of the two barrels just outside of Warmaiden's in Whiterun, but I think nearly all barrels you find in the outside environment will be suitable.

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hi Heartcloud, yeah i've got the same issue testing gear and wanting to cleanly get rid of it; and,

not wanting to bother dealing w/merchants, dumping, or savegame reloads.

i use console: player.showinventory , PgUp/PgDn thru the list until i see the item ID; then,

player.removeitem ID## QTY##

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