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Brynjolf Missing


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I can't find Brynjolf anywhere.

I've looked in the market, even waited for a day,

I looked in the Bee & Barb and he's never there,

I also checked the Raggon flaggon regularly,

I even kept coming back every couple in game days to check and he's never there.

this is my second playthru and i did the theives guild the first time,

so i'm wondering where he went?

I've also noticed that the metalsmith is missing from the side of the square too,

but everyone else is there in riften and seem to be working fine.


Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?


Thanks in advance.

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Thank you, that worked great.


But now i've found that more people are missing from Riften,


I called up Brynjolf and started the quest "A chance arrangement",

got the ring and went to put it in Brand-Shei's pocket, but Brand-Shei is missing.


so I went past that quest to the next, and then found that Haelga is missing too.


it gets in a weird loop when trying to find these people,

the location indicator always points to a door that i just came through.

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  • 1 year later...

Replying for anyone who found this thread looking for answers as I did. I found the missing citizens! About a half-dozen of them are right where they're supposed to be, except that they're in the *world map* render of the market, not the instanced Riften render.


I found this by using the prid reference above (20545) but trying player.moveto instead. It teleported me to the world map mockup of Riften where Brynjolf, Brand-Shei, Haelga, and several others were standing around. There aren't any market stalls or quest interactables there, so what you have to do is teleport to Brynjolf, get the quest, walk out the city gates and then come back in (thus loading the instanced Riften where the jewelry stand is), steal the stuff, teleport *back* to Brynjolf, sneak over to Brand, pickpocket the ring onto him, and go talk to Brynjolf for the turn-in.


I only just did this, so I don't know if he'll turn up at the Ragged Flagon to continue the quest. I expect not, so the next step is going to be attempting a Sliders-esque rescue of the missing villagers from their empty parallel world. I'll reply again if that works, and if I don't then it didn't, but at least understanding the nature of the problem will let you work around it by knowing where to find the missing folk.

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Success! All the missing townsfolk have been returned to the instanced Riften and appear to be functioning correctly. Standing in the market during the day, type 'prid (number)' and then 'moveto player' and the NPCs will automatically snap into their correct positions around the place. I did Brynjolf last to keep him from trying to start the quest before people were around, lest that screw up the scripting.


The reference numbers you use in the above command are as follows for each NPC:


Madesi 21ea6
Balimund 19df1
Grelka 4e0b3
Edda 44a8d
Brand-Shei 19ddc
Marise Aravel 19e14
Brynjolf 20545
They appear to be correctly operative in the world; after completing Brynjolf's quest I watched Brand-Shei get accosted by the guards, and several of the NPCs interacted with passers-by.
Hope this helps someone.
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  • 9 months later...

For anyone who might stumble over this - the likely culprit is having uninstalled Open Cities against the strong advice of the readme which specifically says not to do that or this will happen.


Readmes exist for a reason.

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