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Stemin - BANNED

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Stemin banned.




Reason for the ban


Following on from your chat ban and Formal warning, you have continued your argument with myself, during which you play down your bad behaviour, and insult the staff by saying, and I quote:


If this is the company that I'm getting into trouble with, then why should I be ashamed? I've never seen a more self-rightous, power tripped moderators and lets not forget hypocritical in my life.


Your posting style, attitude and conduct amongst the other users who have a differing opinion or view to yourself is poor, and has led to myself having the view that you are not worth the time it would take to point out the many faults you displayed in your time here, and that any attempt to do so would result in further veiled insults and a lot of wasted time.


You may take the attitude with you as you leave, there is no place for it here.



Reference - Chat Ban



Reference - Formal Warning

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