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What exactly needs to be changed to fix hearthfire ctd breezehome


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Then you should have read what I said because I mentioned that I didn't have any other mods besides my own installed. I know that mods that alter breezehome crash the game but that is why this thread is here to find out exactly why.





The internal non load doors in the house are the cause of the CTD! Each of the xmarkers I mentioned earlier have a door assigned to them. One door for housecarl room, one door for player bedroom, and one door for child room from hearthfires DLC. I tested this to confirm it does indeed crash when any one of those doors is set to just show up in the house aka not part of an upgrade package but there by default. Go into CK load update and hearthfires, go to breezehome and set any one of those WRdoor02 to none under enable parent and save it as a mod and then load that mod in the game. Use coc whiterunbreezehome command at the console to immediately go to inside of breezehome and notice the CTD right away! Now uncheck that mod and do the same things again and it loads just fine.


So far I have tried rotating the doors by one degree or more since they are all at zero or 90 thinking the game has a problem with absolutes on doors in HF but it still crashes. So it must be something else with the doors but THIS CONFIRMS it is the doors crashing the game not navmesh directly.


I am gonna try experimenting with replacing the doors or using different settings with the doors and see what happens.

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Ok some quick testing found some interesting results!


I can disable a door in the player bedroom and housecarl room, set the enable parent to none then load the mod and the upgrade packages for those two load just fine. But if I disable a door for alchemy lab or child room and set the enable parent to none the game still CTD. I even tried deleting the door of alchemy lab or childs room and it still CTD.

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Ok the only OTHER thing that causes CTD is those L_navcut collision markers (yellow boxes) put in by hearthfire DLC. Just disable those the same way I mentioned earlier for disabling doors and IT WORKS! I was able to ENABLE every upgrade package in the house after disabling those doors and collision markers and it works just fine in my mod now! Only problem is the doors have to be fixed somehow still working on that one.


I found this mod on nexus today: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33093


The mod is for a hearthfire house fix. The author talks about he deleted a collision marker (probably yellow box) from hearthfire DLC in the house and it stopped CTD for him. So I am not the only one discovering this problem can be fixed by disabling stuff!


If anyone can help with fixing the doors then this problem will be FINALLY FIXED no more CTD for breezehome mods anymore!

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Well after a lot of researching I am thinking that yes it is navmesh bug that crashes breezehome BUT it only crashes if any internal non load doors are used in the house, take the doors away and everything is fine.


I cheated with the navmesh to see what would happen. I selected the island two triangles mesh, deleted it but not from viewer window. I delted it from details area where the name is listed. Then I saved and exited the program. Then I loaded CK again and selected my mod and chose the details button. I scrolled down to where the navmesh was listed with a D next to it and pressed the delete key to get it back then loaded the mod. There I could see the whole old navmesh again so I deleted all but the last few triangles near the door. Then I deleted only the last few triangles near the door from my navmesh. I merged the two navmeshes just like bugesda did and it works! No more CTD the house works fine but sometimes I will get that bug where if I buy the alchemy lab it doesn't show up as if I did not buy it yet and the child bedroom stuff does the same thing but I am using a save game from nexus supposed to be clean but that save game was saved without HF so I will have to play through the game to fully test it. I remember that I got a notice from the stewart in whiterun with one of my save games at lvl 81 I was testing my hjerim mod at the time. So I guess for the whole thing to work just right the player has to get that notice first before buying child bedroom stuff.

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  • 1 year later...

Had the same problem. I have several mods loaded. As soon as I enabled hearthfire and entered breezehome, I would crash to desktop CTD. I downloaded and installed BOSS, got rid of about 10 mods that had warnings. reload, enter breezehome, crash. I disabled the lighting mod mentioned earlier in this thread, reloaded, entered breezehome, crash. I decided to go to dragonsreach, buy the childs room upgrade and see what would happen. I did so, and leaving dragonsreach, the game crashed. I reloaded again, this time figuring I would consider breezehome quarantined and just not go there anymore, and to my surprise (after hitting 'continue' from the load screen - not loading a particular save), the game loaded outside of dragonsreach. I walked down to breezehome and walked right in. I left, entered, etc. no issues.


While this effort was a complete pain in the butt to resolve, I learned how BOSS worked and would STRONGLY recommend taking the time to get it and learn how to use it. My overall game play has dramatically improved. Graphics are better, more responsive, game is smoother. I am disappointed I waited this long to try and figure the CTD problem out. I was worried I would have to restart my game to overcome the CTD problem with Hearthfire - now I'm debating restarting as the game is so much more playable than it was before I cleaned up (removed/deleted) the bad mods with BOSS.

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