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  1. If you open your climate you can see which weather your worldpsace is using. Go to weathers and locate the ones being used by your climate and in the General tab under Type (It says Fog Near by default) you can set the effect lighting color. http://www.creationkit.com/weather gives descriptions on what everything does.
  2. The easiest way would be to change the effect lighting color in the weather settings. effect lighting changes the colour of most moveable static FX (fogs, clouds, water etc.) in an exterior.
  3. Aside from that)) What was I doing wrong when animating\exporting? perhaps you didn't re-key those specific joints. Sometimes a joint needs to be key framed again otherwise you get the odd deformations you're experiencing.
  4. Did you go to quest02 and under quest stage 10 put setobjectivedisplayed(10)?
  5. The winterhold quest has the guided tour. Is this part of a scene? I have problems like this with scenes unless I split them up into smaller sequences. Try making a new scene segment just for the part where the NPC escorts you.
  6. it's just for testing out your animations to see if they work OK without having to boot up the game. So if your new custom staff walk/run animations are playing in the CK that would be a good sign it will work in game. Nonreplacer animations arn't possible. This just saves time having to delete an existing file and copy&pasting the file name every time I edit an animation. Could be a mistake in your folder path if you made it yourself? Try unpacking all the animations files from the .BSA.
  7. By nonereplacer files I meant that the CK will read any animation files placed inside the games animation folder, whatever they are named. here i'm looking at rightaimloop, which is my own file but it eventually replaces staffmagicright_chargeloop because that is the 'aiming' animation for a staff. You can see there are no weapons being held in the CK it's just for previewing the animation, but combined with a new staffmagic_chargeloop (left), ingame result.
  8. make sure to unequipped any staffs you are holding or have sheathed. your animation won't appear if you are already holding a staff, or it would appear all messed up for me otherwise. each animation has a left and a right... so staffmagicwalkrightarm will only affect the right arm when walking. The best way to test out your animation is using the ck in the actor-animation tab. it reads nonreplacer files so you don't have to rename the file everytime.
  9. Hi, Could you please help me with a script as part of a scene to make a group of NPCs suddenly appear. This is how the scene plays out: You walk into a deserted town with a friendly NPC and at some point hostile enemies appear out of nowhere, surrounding the player and attacking. I would be very grateful if you could provide any advice on how to achive this. cheers
  10. It could be done with the hkxcmd animation tool and 3dsmax to modify the player skeleton. I was able to reposition a specific skeleton bone to change whereabouts magic effects are fired from when using a staff, so it's possible if you were to reposition the back skirt bone upwards a bit in 3ds max for all running animations. Since weapon types (1 & 2 handed, staff, magic) each have their own running animations, you would have to reposition that specific skirt bone for the running animation of each weapon type. Otherwise find the leftdiagonal animation file (using the Actor animation preview tab in the CK) and replace it with the runforward animation files and see what happens.
  11. Hi there, Please excuse my ignorance but will this allow us to create new 'Anim Types' for weapons? i.e onehanded, hand2hand, staff etc? Or is this for something else? Thanks
  12. This is what I did to make a Dwarven beer fountain you drink from and will work for a shrine too. go to furniture and find DrinkUnderForgeFountainMarker. It's a big marker with no model and it plays an animation when activated - werewolfceremony, which makes the character drink from a bowl. delete werewolfceremony and replace it with isgreybeardpraying. there are a few other prayer animations but havn't tried them. place the shrine object behind the furniture activator (I didn't use a model for the furniture activator itself because I wanted the character to pray a slight distance away from the shrine). How do you create a trigger so that instead of clicking on the object to activate it, it activates as you walk up to it?
  13. Hi, How do you prevent dragons from passing through the floor and through objects during flight? They land on the ground and engage combat, but during flight they are sometimes passing through objects and the ground plane, flying underneath me. They are all linked to their own perch ref. Also I'm trying to make an activator that when used, activates an explosion a distance away. I've tried taking the catapult explosin and making it a parent/child to a pull chain so it acts like a kind of detonator, but nothing happens. My alternative has been to create a furniture marker that casts a spell that has an invisible projectile that then explodes when it hits an object infront of it. But why can't I parent some activators to one another whereas other are able to be parented to things like an activation lever? Cheers
  14. Animations wouldn't work for me when exported from 3dsmax 2012. no data in nifskope. Turn only these on: mesh: -generate strips -collapse transforms -zero transforms Skin modifier: -Export skin -enable multiple -generate partition Miscellaneous: untick everything export: untick everything
  15. OK You don't need to add notes to a human or npc animation. I think the plugin maker only used monsters, that's why he says to include notes. But for human animations the start and end notes are there already when selecting the Root bone. You can move the notes if you want to shorten or increase the length of the animation sequence.
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