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  1. In response to post #9126244. Yes I was thinking the same thing, I don't see the results up anywhere. I cant imagine Rockstar is too happy with Gamespot right now. I still love you Rockstar, four more days.
  2. Voted for TES although I like GTA well enough to preorder GTAV. Toughest vote was during the previous bracket being the final four where they had TES vs Fallout which are my two favorites. I voted TES and am still feeling guilty.
  3. Whenever I get a CTD PlayerActivateBed() IsCoffin =False is usually the last thing in my log. My guess is it is that it is related to Dawnguard , my player character is a werewolf, never been a vampire and doesn't sleep. I would trying disabling Dawnguard but I like the werewolf perks and it doesn't happen too often.
  4. I use Corsairs with my systems and I have no complaints, they are not cheap but you do get what you pay for. Just make sure that you have enough wattage, I tend to get more than I need and the modular units are a plus.
  5. I am going through this currently myself after tiring of watching my old mobo and processor bottlenecking my gtx580. I found Pick Your Processor to be informative. For gaming the (LGA1155)s are all you should ever need, the 3770K and the 3570K would be better choices than the 3820 (LGA2011) or any AMD in your situation in my opinion. The consensus in these forums appears to be that the 3570K is the best bang for the buck gaming cpu of those listed and 8GB ram is all that you need. I ended up going with the i7 3770K OCd to 4.5Ghz, an ASUS Z77 Chipset mobo, and 16GB ram to drive a gtx680 4GB which is a bit overkill but I do more than games and I like yourself am wishing to futureproof to a reasonable extent. One thing that I would add is that choosing a SLI capable mobo would give you another option GPU wise in the future.
  6. Dont know if this will help 680/7970. Either the Nvidia GTX 680 or the AMD 7970 apparently or the GTX 690 if money is no object.
  7. I was having the same problem with the Soul Cairn about half way through it would CTD every time, I did not find a solution and I gave up on Dawnguard at that point. I will will give your file a try, either way thank you for your efforts on this.
  8. This person is the author of The Black Sacrament where you will find the download button. :psyduck:
  9. Snowsong thanks for your reply, I found this thread for people having exterior Ctds, my log looks like this: Cast Point 10 [ObjectReference < (020142F8)>] IS loaded, so casting lightning at it. [08/08/2012 - 11:32:16AM] [DLC1RandomLightningStrikeTrigSCRIPT < (02004C78)>]Cast Point 5 [ObjectReference < (02004C7D)>] IS loaded, so casting lightning at it. [08/08/2012 - 11:32:17AM] [DLC1RandomLightningStrikeTrigSCRIPT < (0200D84D)>]Cast Point 1 [ObjectReference < (0200D852)>] IS loaded, so casting lightning at it. [08/08/2012 - 11:32:18AM] [DLC1RandomLightningStrikeTrigSCRIPT < (02013F0B)>]Cast Point 5 [ObjectReference < (02013FBF)>] IS loaded, so casting lightning at it. [08/08/2012 - 11:32:20AM] [DLC1RandomLightningStrikeTrigSCRIPT < (02014314)>]Cast Point 1 [ObjectReference < (02014316)>] IS NULL, so not casting lightning at it. Apparently it is related to the lightning strikes in the area and not the horse, just need to figure out whats going on with object 02014316 I suppose. :thumbsup:
  10. I played for a few days on the Dawnguard side with no problems but now I cant get through the Soul Cairn without CTD in the quest "Beyond Death" for some reason, it always crashes about where I see the horse. Im guessing that it is a mod conflict although I only have about two dozen installed. :wallbash: I had to revert to an earlier save and leave Serena waiting at the jetty for now.
  11. If you have a d3d9.dll in you Skyrim folder temporarily remove it to desktop and see if that doesnt fix the problem.
  12. I recommend pulling your old skyrim folder and saving it somewhere if you have the hardrive space. I did a fresh install as you are describing recently and have found that having my older folders on hand to check back on has saved me a lot of time and hassle particularly when it comes to hunting down which mods that I had installed or want to reinstall.
  13. I have been using Sos Dungeons and Sos Wilds, the earlier versions and never noticed anything unusual about the save games file sizes. The only mod that I ran into trouble with in that regard was RTS for Skyrim so far. For those folks asking about savegame bloat in my experience a new game will start out at around 3mb and get larger as you progress with your gamesaves. My last game was just hitting 14mb with a level 61 character when it got to be unplayable with exterior cell stutter for what reasons I still dont know, may have had nothing to do with savegame file size. After a fresh install and a new game with fewer mods installed the game runs fine with the first few saves being in the low 3mb and now at level 30 character they are in the mid 6mb range which seems about normal. Thanks for the heads up on this, I continue to add mods as I go though a little more cautiously this time.
  14. I have been getting the same problem recently, it happens whenever I enter an exterior cell, interior cells I have no problem with. If i exit to main menu/reload a game it doesnt help only after exiting to desktop and restarting does it temporarily fix it. I thought that maybe I was having a hardware problem as my video card has been running hot but now I am thinking that it has to do with the 1.6 patch. I am currently reinstalling the game from steam in hopes of a remedy, if I find a solution I will post it.
  15. I personally like Fimbulvinter and it seems to be kept up to date. I also like Jasmin enb although I dont remember which one of the three versions I was using.
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