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  1. In response to post #10437927. #10438165 is also a reply to the same post. Oh boo effing hoo. What great problems you have! More so, with a service provided free of charge, to you. Take your childish and self entitled whining elsewhere.
  2. With 0 mods, a new save, no custom textures or meshes, no SKSE, I still get random freezes, when engaging or during combat (and also a weird bug of twitching corpses). Gonna have to rollback to 1.5 and hope all the mods will be ok with that... EDIT: Still the same freeze in the same situations on 1.5. Even tried uninstalling my graphic drivers and running with the default one but nope! Last resort, backing up all skyrim folder and downloading all of it again to see if I didn't forget something with testing the mods. EDIT: Conclusion of the story... Kind of feel like an ass... Apparently I forgot to try the easiest thing in the world: delete skyrimprefs.ini and skyrim.ini. An no more freezes with 1.6... /sigh If you ever have some problem, don't proceed like me, start with the easy stuff :/
  3. All configurations are different. Even with good specs you can have problems depending on many factors, like how your game is configured (for example if you push all settings to the max you have near-indiscernible changes that do consume more), how many mods you have, how much crap is running in the background, isolated bugs happening to a minority of configurations, etc etc.
  4. I stumbled across a possible fix, that helps if you're running a lot of mods (which are running a lot of scripts) : http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/633229-less-ctds-maybe-none Simply put this in your skyrim.ini. It took me a whole day but I finally managed to reinstall al my mods, gonna try a fresh game with that fix.
  5. I'm having the hanging/freezing issue with new characters too. Gonna test what I said earlier, this afternoon. EDIT: Yeah uh... I had a problem with steam, tried repairing but didn't work so I thought "I'll just uninstall and reinstall", but... I had no idea it actually deleted all your steam games with it -_- And all my ~150 mods with it... So I think I'll just take a break from Skyrim after all :/
  6. I have also experienced many freezes of the game in seemingly random locations since 1.6. No CTD or slutter, the screen freezes while the sound is still playing. In addition, my graphic card fan gets increasingly faster until I exit the game via task manager. Gonna try different things like the texture optimizer or running without SKSE. EDIT: I found something interesting in the latest update for my ATI 5700: "Elder Scrolls: Skyrim: no longer hangs on single GPU configurations when used with AMD Catalyst 12.3 CAP1 and later CAP releases. I have a dual-core, but maybe Skyrim is effing up and only using one. Didn't update it before because I thought that it causes problems with DIII, turns out that it's only for some GC D: Gonna update that and get back to you.
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