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  1. You might be able to accomplish this by invoking the Soul Trap Function perhaps, creating a integer value that ticks up to keep track of how many kills have been made when the soul-trap function fires off instead of looking for the death event of the last target. (Checking for Soul Trap event instead might be simpler.) Tying kills to a perk through a specific weapon does not sound very efficient, maybe with a specific enchant instead. You could instigate an item level up by creating a leveled list for the weapon in question (or any weapon that you can enchant with this effect) and every time a kill tier is met the weapon upgrades to the next level.
  2. Going to update this (the current script from the previous post isn't working as intended. The only time the teleport going to the Moving marker works is if it's done from another cell (interior vs exterior for example.) Otherwise when cast the spell always returns the player to the Moving Marker, without ever moving it from its original position in the world space. Only from a different cell does the spell return the player to the dedicated town location. Another matter is being able to recast the spell instantly, doing so will initiate a cascade teleport to the same marker and invoke loading screen after loading screen. I would like to just scrap instantly teleporting the player, and instead spawn an activatable actor that requires using to then teleport the player to town to work around some of the issues with casting and the Moving Marker not working at all when in the same worldspace with it.
  3. Mounted would be more concerning thant in combat. If someone wants to port out of combat that should be "fine" unless it makes enemy AI derp or decide to do a death march across the map after the player. Would like to create a conversation flag or tick to make sure the player isn't talking to an NPC, and block the cast if they are. As for a follower breaking a quest for leaving an area, is there a way to copy the follower and disable their AI and "leave them in place" while a player farts about in town then ports back (destroying the copy on return) Or checking the Story Manager for quest in progress and blocking them from porting with you? OR for telporting back to the Recall Marker what if it was treated like a Forced Used transition? Player ports back, script checks for follower, if there is (or more) who haven't been put into "Wait Here" forces a trigger to teleport them back since Fast Travel doesn't figure it out? Yeah I dropped the recall marker in 'near' the permanent marker and have no problems porting to and from after the recall has been moved. (Or I hope it's been moved? Sort of concerned I'm just filling the worldspace with duplicate markers?) I think having the marker manually placed nulls the bool function. Checking -where- it is currently though might be useful? Would probably need to make a separate function to show a message for where the recall is placed that doesn't overwrite the spell casts. And as I mentioned, would like to also attach a VFX to the Recall Marker so I can see where it's at, if say I travel back on foot, and maybe also do a distance check to Recall Marker as well, if I'm too close to it I would want to just move it next cast and initiate teleport to town.
  4. Sorry about the confusion. I was trying the suggested distance check because it made sense that I wouldn't necessarily want to be able to teleport to the Town Marker if I am already next to it. Just exploring possible condition solutions with that. MoveTo is working just fine for whatever I decide Loc01 is, Second spell cast to return to RecallMarker is what was not working. Going to do a test with that right now and make sure it will work without the worldspace or distance conditions. Update/Edit: Alright that works just like that. I had a few too many IF statements placed. So what I would like to do next for a bit of flair is to leave a temporary special effect wherever the recall Marker is moved to (like Mage Light or a portal vfx) until the recall marker is returned to, then disable the effect until the spell is cast again.
  5. ObjectReference Property RecallMarker Auto ObjectReference Property LoC01 Auto WorldSpace Property ExampleWorld Auto Sound Property MagFail Auto Event OnEffectStart (Actor Target, Actor Caster) Float Distance = Game.GetPlayer().GetDistance(Loc01) Utility.Wait(3) ; If (Caster.GetWorldSpace() != ExampleWorld) If Distance > 7000 RecallMarker.MoveTo(Caster) Caster.MoveTo(Loc01) Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(Loc01) EndIf ;If (Caster.GetWorldSpace() == ExampleWorld) If Distance < 7000 Magfail.Play(Caster) debug.messagebox ("You can not cast that spell here.") EndIf Else Distance = Game.Getplayer().GetDistance(Loc02) Get.Getplayer().MoveTo(Loc02) If Game.GetPlayer().GetDistance(Loc02) >= Distance Game.EnableFastTrave() Game.FastTravel(Loc02) EndIf EndIf EndEvent Okay. This "works". The distance check is returning the Message Box correctly. (except even on a successful cast from elsewhere it's still showing the box/playing the sound.) Secondly second cast isn't returning the player to the recall marker. I have commented out doing a world space check instead which I haven't double checked yet if it works. But I also don't think its moving the marker to the player at all? (missing leaving a persistent VFX in place with the marker but I'll get to that after sorting out the primary function)
  6. Assuming you're exporting as OBJ and importing into Nifskope. Your mesh might not be exporting cleanly (even with normals coming out right), might try importing them into something like Blender and exporting again. Also.. just one easily missed mistake make sure you're tacking on the .dds to the end of your texture paths for your normal maps. When doing a lot of meshes I've forgotten this very simple but very important addition to the file path references before.
  7. I'm far to buried in a project to join another one but my advice for you is to start with learning how to create an exterior space and an interior space (as well as lighting and nav-meshing) then take the next step from there creating a faction, NPC's, and a basic quest with some text dialogue. You can open some existing examples of these from the game to get an idea of how its all done. Strongly suggest looking up Darkfox127 tutorials on YouTube. He's very thorough and informative about a lot of these sorts of things, and what you put into a project you can get out of it in return.
  8. Thank you for the replies! So Mark and Recall obviously break a few radiant quest mechanics. I'd imagine there's maybe a way to pause and redirect them to new player location to keep that from causing any game breaking bugs via a quest state flag or some such? Would be afraid that might end up creating multiple impostors of the normally inescapable messenger. That's both a hilarious bug and also just "WHY wouldn't you fix this Bethesda?" sort of thing. The destination(s) will always be to fixed locations that never change (primarily cities). The only thing that is ever dynamic is where the player would be teleporting from and back to, to get to them. So it shouldn't in theory be too game breaking unless someone is teleporting around constantly. As for the code i will update this post with what I come up with after some testing and wrapping my brain around this for a bit.
  9. Hey there. I'll try to keep this short winded. Trying to create a portal system that has a recall function when a spell is cast twice. Pseudo Code: Player Casts Spell onSelf (via staff, scroll or spell) Pause briefly to check if Recall Active is True, (Check if a designated spawned VFX portal with a location Marker Attached to it is active somewhere.) If yes, return to Recall point, If no, return to Location01 (home town) On Return to Recall, wait a few seconds then disable/Delete the actor and node (or whatever the best way to remove them is so a clean reference can be made when the spell is cast again.) (Secondary) Also If Recall Active = False, Use PlaceAtMe to drop (spawn VFX/Marker to use as reference point) [Alternative option for use elsewhere: create dialogue window for choices of teleport locale, defined as Loc01, Loc02, Loc03..etc.] I'm aware there's some mods that already exist that have some sort of town portal system but I'd like to actually learn how to properly code this myself, hopefully with some guidance? I've had a programming class but that was now several years ago so my skill writing code is.. creaky and rotted at best, but I've got Notepad++ setup to handle Papyrus. I've also had a gander at DarkFox127's youtube tutorials and have a basic working script thanks to that. Would like to expand it however. DarkFox127's Provided example Code: Scriptname TeleportMe extends ActiveMagicEffect ObjectReference Property LoC01 Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Utility.Wait(1.5) Game.FadeOutGame(False, True, 2.0, 1.0) Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(Loc01) Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(Loc01) EndEventAs included: the Fast Travel sections are for including followers, which is fine. FadeOutGame is for a loading screen I'm assuming. So if I take that and do something like... Scriptname PortalSystem extends ActiveMagicEffect ObjectReference Property Loc01 Auto {Always a Fixed location like a town} ObjectReference Property Loc02 [Recall Marker & VFX Here?] Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Utility.wait(5) Game.Get.ActorReference() Is enabled / disabled (True, False) ==?!<> { Unsure about correct syntax for this entire IF/Else True/False or Enabled/Disabled Section} If False Game.FadeoutGame (False, True, 2.0, 1.0) Game.GetPlayer() .MoveTo(Loc01) Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(Loc01) If True Game.FadeOutGame(False, True, 2.0, 1.0) Game.GetPlayer() .MoveTo(Loc02) Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(Loc02) EndEvent How do I go about creating the rest? Should I just try "GetCurrentLocation" instead of relying on a spawned actor position?
  10. It's time for a new mod... the Covfefe machine. It creates a fresh cup of covfefe juice for your morning Skyrim or Fallout excursion as a tyranical dictator known as El-Covfefador.
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