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About Riyuu

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    Skyrim / Monster Hunter / Borderlands 2 / Terra Battle
  • Favourite Game
    Final Fantasy

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  1. It means you should spin round on yourself so that you see all the map (it will force the map to render all the terrain I think)
  2. I really wanted to say thank you for this tip millena, you really saved my day ;D ;D ;D . I was having infinite loading screens only when I wanted to go out, and tried quite all the tips I could found on the internet, none working for me. Then I found this thread and it worked perfectly. So thank you thank you thank you !!!!!
  3. Any news about the mods I'm searching for ??? :'( (go to first message - first on that page)
  4. Hi everyone !! I've found some pictures of two armors/clothes I'd like to have but really can't find them (I've been searching for many, many hours, and I'm quite desperate now XD...) If anyone could tell me where I can find them : Vanilla armor Lightning armor. I've already been looking over the 16000 links on this site (the page where these screenshots are - I finished to browse the site this afternoon >-<), but I think they're not on it. I first saw the Lightning armor on this site, if that could help : Rembrant Oblivion Room Thanks a lot !!! Riyuu
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