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About Aluminumfoil

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  1. I want to enjoy the casinos in Vegas without the game cheating for me. To what value should I player.setav Luckto prevent cheating?
  2. Probably. Sort of. You'll need to script the vendor conversation to remove all of the player's caps and then return them afterwards. If the vendor has 0 caps, the transaction will always be barter, allowing whatever currency item you use to play its role as currency.
  3. open console setgs fmovebasespeed 85enter setgs fmovenoweaponmult 1enter close console You'll have to do this each time you start the game, but not each time you load a save.
  4. I'm hoping to find more punky / raider-like hairstyles, especially for female. Mohawks, fauxhawks, half-shaves, shags, and so on. Especially half-shaves and mohawks. Any recommendations?
  5. I'm getting some shadowing (?) artifacts on eyes that use the upgraded eye models found in FCO. It appears to be only present when lit from above or from the left, disappearing in ambient light or when backlit, bottomlit, or rightlit. It always looks the same, a swoosh shape on the right side of each eye (see below). It affects NPCs and all races. Any idea what the cause of this is and what the solution might be? https://imgur.com/a/45lNy
  6. Sorry, this is not a thread about "sexy" or "feminine" power armor. Unless you find FO4's giant genderless robot suits sexy. Which I do. But that's beside the point. Power armor is currently shaped and sized for broad-shouldered men. When a female character gets into it, her elbows are about five inches shorter than the suit's and her shoulders are well inside the torso. The suit's arms articulate at the midpoints of her upper-arm and forearm bones, not at her joints. http://i.imgur.com/LPaehmy.png The power armor movement sound should be crunch, slurp, scream at this point. The solution is conceptually simple: stretch and skew the power armor model to make the torso more narrow and the elbow joint higher on the arm, like this. http://i.giphy.com/cyAQzfBCp7x8Q.gif How to actually do this in a way that the game will recognize and be okay with, maintaining proper animations, weights, rigging for weapons, etc... that, I have no idea. Thoughts so far... How can this work without messing up the male version? Is anyone interested in taking up this project? I've done very little modeling and no rigging whatsoever. I can try, but I don't know what kind of progress I'll make. How will this interact with other power armor mods? Would every model need to change, or is there a shortcut?
  7. I'm hoping for a mod that could duplicate the effect (silent death), if not the means, of the Mister Sandman perk in Fallout New Vegas, which allowed a player to silently assassinate a sleeping character. Does such a mod exist?
  8. http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3778
  9. Mods almost never update themselves; you'll have to download new versions when they come out. Mod one thing at a time. Install a mod, play with it, make sure it works. Add another mod, play with it, make sure it works... etc. Loading a huge pile of mods all at once is a good way of getting a game that crashes on startup. Read the readme every time. Keep the files you download in a folder somewhere, sorted by category, so that if you ever want to fully remove one, you can look it up and find all the files that it modifies so that you can remove them. Oh! And if you use a mod, and it does what it says it's supposed to do, endorse it!
  10. I think I've got them all. I'll try to push out a simple PC grunt silencer sometime in the next week or so. T'will be female only, for now.
  11. Looks like the modder in question missed some. Still, it helps narrow it down. So does only looking at files under a certain size threshold, although that carries inherent risk of missing some, too...
  12. Awesome awesome awesome! Now at least I have somewhere to start. Thanks so much :)
  13. Unfortunately, even if that is correct, that still defines around five hundred files which must be individually tested...
  14. Bear in mind that Elder Scrolls allows for pretty much unlimited in-universe expansion simply by asserting, "this place is on an alternate plane of existence, and you can get there by magic." This way you can have your total conversion, and other people can have their lore-friendly expansion, at the same time. The only reason for a true total conversion is if you're trying to incorporate an different intellectual property, like Lord of the Rings or Warhammer or Conan or the like... and even then, you could probably get away with sticking a teleport gate on a remote mountaintop somewhere (steal the one from the main quest, maybe) and send people off to an alternate realm of the Elder Scrolls universe.
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