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About TheArmageddonJoker

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  1. @IsharaMeradin I mean by menu the inventory, not the menu with the quest logs etc. @blitzen Thanks, it really was because I used SetActorValue and not ModActorValue, the script is now working, just using some more conditions to mod the AV, otherwise it will scale down until -infinity or +infinty xD while (true) if (Game.GetPlayer().IsInCombat() && Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("Speedmult") == 37.0) Game.GetPlayer().SetActorValue("SpeedMult", 63.0) elseif (!Game.GetPlayer().IsInCombat() && Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("Speedmult") == 100.0) Game.GetPlayer().SetActorValue("SpeedMult", -63.0) endif endWhile P.S.: Yes, never compare floats if they are gonna be exactly a specific value (because of floats :D), and yes, never use a while true loop without a break condition. xD
  2. Thanks for your answer. The quest is pretty simple, Run on start, and only one stage (0, start with quest). The fragment is running and working, if I insert into the while loop a "Debug.Notification(Game.GetPlayer().GetActorValue("SpeedMult"))" it will always show me outside a battle 37, and inside a battle 100. So it will always run, but not apply, until I open the menu and close it again.
  3. Hey everyone, I do have a question about scripting within a quest stage, I have the following script: while (true) if (Game.GetPlayer().IsInCombat()) Game.GetPlayer().SetActorValue("SpeedMult", 100.0) else Game.GetPlayer().SetActorValue("SpeedMult", 37.0) endif endWhile so, the point is, if I normally walk around, starting a battle etc. nothing will happen, the first speedmult value will stay active, until I'm going to open the menu. After closing the menu again the new speedmult value is active. But why? Does anyone know how the creation engine handles the SetActorValue? Because the while loop is working as intended, because watching the value constantly with GetActorValue will deliver the correct value. P.S.: Yes, don't use a while loop like this, without a break condition, this is only for testing something. Cheers!
  4. http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/17569 Hier ist nun der Link zum download auf der Nexus Seite. Here is the link to the download page on the Nexus.
  5. Hallo an Alle, ich wollte mal fragen ob sich jemand bereit erklären könnte meine Mods zu testen, ich habe es zwar schon auf mehreren Foren probiert aber niemand schreibt mir was zurück. Ein Feedback hätte ich wirklich gerne da ich an diesem Mod schon sehr lange arbeite. Folgt einfach der Anweißung auf der Website. Download Experiment: http://dosentertainment.jimdo.com/mods-maps/armageddon-joker/fallout3-experiment/ Download Experiment (Grytobia): http://dosentertainment.jimdo.com/mods-maps/armageddon-joker/fallout3-experiment-grytobia/ Beide Mods müssen zusammen gespielt werden, da ich in Grytobia einige Verbesserungen vorgenommen habe. Danke schon einmal im Voraus! :)
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