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About Archey6

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  1. Im trying to create a bashed patch, but i keep getting this error once its finished: ubyte format requires 0 <= number <= 255 <bash.brec.ModWriter instance at 0x1487A698> LLCT B (355,) Is there anything i can do? should i just ignore it?
  2. Hi, im trying to create a mod that makes a spell that when cast will apply a Effect Shader onto a specified object. Ive made the spell, effect, and effect shader. I can get my script to disable the object when the spell is cast, but when i try to get it to Play the effect shader, it doesnt do anything. Here is my script source Scriptname ArchTestScript extends activemagiceffect {Kappa} ObjectReference Property flr01 Auto EffectShader Property ArchTestFX Auto Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ArchTestFX.Play(flr01, 10) EndEvent Ive got both properties set correctly. Ive also tried OnSpellCast(my created spell doesnt seem to be considered a spell), and OnEffectStart
  3. if the d3d9.dll is still there, then ENB is still running, make sure to remove all ENB files to make sure
  4. Glad, maybe it'll keep some of the idiots out
  5. Thanks, I tried both of those suggestions last night, with an update time of 2 seconds and 10 seconds, still getting the same results
  6. I've been playing around with them, but when i changed it in the console, to test my script, my script doesnt seem to pickup the change, this is my script Scriptname TestVar extends quest Import Form GlobalVariable Property TestGlobal auto Event OnInit() RegisterForUpdate(0.1) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() float test = TestGlobal.Getvalue() if(test == 1.0) Debug.MessageBox("IT WORKS;;;;") EndIf EndEventthe script works fine in that the message box will show up without the if statement, but even if i change the global var in the console, the script doesnt detect the change What im trying to do is have two scripts, one for the actual script, the other for the MCM config menu, since the initial script is extending ObjectReference. I'm trying to get the MCM script to change a global var based on whether or not a check box is ticked Side question: Is there anyway to have global variables as boolean, or int?
  7. Since I can't extend ObjectReference and SKI_ConfigBase how would I go about having a MCM that changes a variable that has to do with the ObjectReference? I could create a second script for MCM, but then it wouldn't have access to the variable in the initial script. Any suggestions are welcome Thanks, Archey
  8. Thanks for the replies guys, just wanted to make sure.
  9. Is it possible to have so many mods(around 80-85) that it will cause the game to lose FPS? Not all mods are Graphical, 10 at most are graphical, the rest are things like iHud, Dynamic Loot, Sounds, etc Thanks, Archey
  10. Completely false. My PC is 2-3 years old and I run ultra + 2k, flora overhaul, lush grass/trees. ATI HD5850 8GB DDR3 RAM AMD Phenom II x6 1055T 2.80 GHz I Average 40-50 FPS. This hardware today would run you ~800
  11. You didn't provide a lot of information, and the information you did provide was very hard to understand. Take a breath and please clarify.
  12. Mine updated too, I'm opting out of the beta to see if it's the official release. Nope, still not released, looks like we'll have to wait for SKSE to update.
  13. you're saying i have to attach the script to a quest?
  14. So this is my code Scriptname Success extends quest Event OnInit() RegisterForUpdate(2) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() Debug.MessageBox("Success!!") EndEvent what I'm trying to do is have a message show saying "success" every 2 seconds, but this isn't working, i'm not sure what else i can do.
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