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  1. There are a large number of torch mods that I would enjoy seeing/using, but I'd like a simple mod editable with an .ini file. In that file, one could choose the... 1. Radius of the torch light 2. If torches were droppable 3. If torches could be weaponized (and how powerful these would be) 4. If torch weapons coud have perks 5. Radius of torch shadow light 6. Color of torch light (In RGB? Not even sure if this is possible, but it'd be legit) 7. Duration of torch (with an unlimited setting) etc. I see quite a few mods adjusting the radius of torch light, the color, etc. But unless the exact settings are left up to the user, nobody will ever be able to adjust the settings exactly to where they're wanted.
  2. Added the ini tweaks. I'll be interested to see what patches/mods come out in the next few days to further the process.
  3. Being the fool that I was, I went ahead and bought Skyrim as soon as it came out, knowing that my the computer upgrade I'm getting at Christmas would let me run everything on great settings. In the meantime, however, I'm not going to sit idly by and not play. So, without further ado, here's everything you need to do to play Skyrim below the minimum requirements. I'm getting 25-30 fps, which is just bareable. Other low end players might find this useful as well. Very Quick Computer Specs: 3.06 ghz Intel Core 2 duo 4 gb ram Nvidia GeForce 9400 (with 256mb vram) First off, don't even pretend that you'll be able to play on Medium Grpahics settings. Put everything on low, and work your way up from there. General Computer Tweaks These tips are applicable to all games, not just Skyrim, and they're all useful. 10 Tips How To Make Skyrim Run Faster Additionally, lowering the pre-render frames (For those with Nvidia graphics cards) will noticeably decrease lag. To do so, head over to your control panel, and under the graphics card #d Settings, find Maximum pre-rendered Frames (The default is 3), and change it to 1. If you don't want it as a universal setting (I sure didn't), they just set it to be used when running TESV.exe ini tweaks Disabling Shadows For some strange reason, shadows cannot be disabled in skyrim, and on low quality settings, they look awful. As such, disabling them is probably the best choice of action for a large performance boost. Head over to your SkyrimPrefs.ini and under [Display], set fInteriorShadowDistance and fShadowDistance to 0. Increasing Allocated Memory By default, Skyrim will only use a certain amount of your computer's memory. By adding this to your Skyrim prefs, you can increase the allocated memory to the maximum possible (if you have 4 gigs of ram and are using a 64bit OS), which prevents lag when you walk out into a crowd of people, in battles, etc. It won't increase FPS, but decreases frequency and intensity of FPS drops for smoother gameplay. [Papyrus] iMinMemoryPageSize=100000 iMaxMemoryPageSize=5000000 iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=1800000000 Disable Mouse accleration and vSync Add the followingline to the bottom of [Display] to disable Vsync: iPresentInterval=0 Additionally, under [Controls], find bmouseAcceleration=1, and change it to 0. Mods Skyrim Better Performance upps FPS noticeably without any reduction in Graphics Quality. Great regardless of your settings TESV Reduced Texture Pack also increases FPS, though there is a slight reduction in Graphics Quality. However, this was the last bit I needed to get the game to a playable state. More details to come as they're released/discovered/whatever. PS: If you all have ideas that aren't posted here, feel free to do so, and I'll add them.
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