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  1. I've managed to get a few things working by overriding the existing files in the Data0.pak file in the DW directory. Thing's like removing lockpicking and enhancing the physics damage to kicking and tackling. But other things I can't get to work, like modifying jump height and sprint speed. Even when I change those settings under default_levels.xml, default_levels_kiosk.xml and common_skills.xml they still revert back to the original in game. No idea how that works. You should make a copy of Data0.pak and then modify the files in there directly.
  2. Don't worry about Purr4me outlandish behavior, he's just on his period.
  3. I noticed that no matter what you change your control settings too, some options appear to stay the same. E as the default option to search through containers. The up, down, left, right arrow keys to selection conversation branches during dialog and to navigate through crafting options. I use G as my activate/use button and E is forward. So this is an issue for me. Anyone know how to alter these key bindings?
  4. I read about your post on telekinesis for dead NPC's. I'm trying to make a "toggle ragdoll" ring, and your post actually helped a lot actually!
  5. I'm also a little unsure when it comes to Activators. The creation kit wiki doesn't provide too many examples of code on how to implement this and google yields no real results. Can you give me an example on how the activator is supposed to work?
  6. Thanks for the reply. I wish I had done more experimenting and just gave the PushActorAway a negative value. I just took the creation kit wiki at face value and assumed you couldn't do it because it didn't provide that example. Seeing as how ApplyHavokImpulse allows negative, though, I suppose I should have gotten it. Thanks to everyone for the help :)
  7. I'm not completely fluent in papyrus yet, but I'm trying to learn a few things. I'm specifically having trouble trying to make a spell where the npc goes ragdoll and then gets pulled to you. I can make them go ragdoll, but the issue I am having with is getting them to come towards you. I'd appreciate it if someone could take a look at my script and let me know if I'm just doing things completely incorrect and what corrections I need to make to get the effect to happen. Scriptname PullEnemies extends activemagiceffect Keyword Property NPCPull Auto Event OnEffectStart (Actor target, Actor caster) if (target.HasKeyword(NPCPull)) Game.GetPlayer().PushActorAway(target, 0) target.ApplyHavokImpulse (0, 0, 0, 0) target.TranslateToRef (Game.GetPlayer(), 500) endif EndEvent The ApplyHavokImpulse part makes the npc go ragdoll. And then the TranslateToRef is supposed to draw the npc towards you, which it does. But it does so in a very unrealistic manner. It's like the npc is cycling animations and just floats in a straight line towards you. Currently, the casting type is Concentration and the delivery is Target Actor
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