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  1. Issue was most likely old cached values in an old save. I was unable to replicate the issue with a clean save. /thread
  2. Not sure how I fixed it, but when I started testing for NONE along the entire property's trip from Script A to Script C, I suddenly got it to work. I am not sure why tbh. So in the event someone is curious, the OP with the code will work regardless of the trouble I seemed to have with it at the beginning. I wish I had a better answer like "Oh, I forgot to cast it to a miscobject" but I was very thorough during my construction of this process. The fact I don't have the answer is going to piss me off for a while though! Take care and thank you for your interests.
  3. All recommendations are welcome Lisselli! The reason it is structured this way is because I wanted to make a collection of Global functions that I could use for my project, instead of writing a script for every object and using a local version of the function and having to set the properties for each object the script is attached to. If you want to know specifically what I am trying to accomplish, imagine this. I wanted to use a script-based menu system to introduce a different way to craft (outside of Skyrim's default crafting). Since there is no event to capture after crafting an item, I cannot have my own experience and level system, so that is why scripting was brought into the mix. Creating a library of functions will allow me to write a function once in a modular fashion, then use it in many contexts. This would cut down on the amount of scripting that would need to be done in the future as well as make it easy to manage (If I have a function used in many places, then need to update it, I only need to update it in one place instead of every script it is used.) Did you have another way of doing it?
  4. When I used this process to return Globalvariable objects, it works. When I try to return a MiscObject, it returns NONE instead. Very strange though I admit I should be running checks more often.
  5. The quest that script "A" is attached to is the object being returned by GetFrameworkProperties(). This allows me to reach into the quest and get the properties. I will most certainly try this, although I can return Globalvariables as it is right now anyways.
  6. Preface: I am going to simplify my scripts to ease troubleshooting. I have script "A", which is used to declare properties that global functions in script "B" can use. Script "A": ScriptName rsAPI_Properties Extends Quest {Contains all the properties for rsAPI scripts} MiscObject Property myMiscObjectProperty Auto Script "B": ScriptName rsAPI_Functions Extends Quest Hidden {Contains all the functions for the rsAPI scripts} ;This function gets the forms from Script "A" rsAPI_Properties Function GetFrameworkProperties() Global return (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x294A97, "MyPlugin.esp") as Quest) as rsAPI_Properties EndFunction ;This function gets a specific form from Script "A" with the help of the above function. MiscObject Function GetMiscObject() Global return GetFrameworkProperties().myMiscObjectProperty EndFunction ;This function is an example of how I would like to handle the miscobject passed from Script "A" Function GivePlayerMiscObject(int howMany) Global Game.GetPlayer().AddItem((GetMiscObject()), howMany); I have tried declaring a MiscObject outside this command as well, but neither worked. EndFunction The second function in Script "B" is used to return a miscobject, but it only returns NONE. This way of obtaining a property from another script seems to only work for certain types of forms. The properties have been defined in the CK in Script "A". Any pointers papyrus wizards? p.s. The reason I am approaching it this way is because Script "A" and Script "B" are an API of sorts. I want to use a function in Script "B" that references properties in Script "A" after passing parameters directly from Script "C", which would utilize the third function in Script "B" like this: Script "C": ScriptName GivePlayerItem Extends Activator {Utilizes the rsAPI framework to give the player 2 MiscObjects} Event OnActivate(Actor akActionRef) rsAPI_Functions.GivePlayerMiscObject(2) EndEvent Has anyone had any luck returning a form aside from Globalvariables in this context?
  7. Thank you for the suggestion! I will play with the internal archive application in CK, and see if I can add files to it before packing. Do any files not function inside of the BSA?
  8. I am not new to archiving mods in CK, or using Archive.exe. Something I have noticed is when I archive with the CK is that the Data\Sound\Voice\MyMod* directory does not get packed into the .bsa file. I also usually just include the .seq file for quests as a loose directory Data\Seq\MyMod.seq. I have an overhaul mod that I am working on with about 4000 files so far, and I was packing for a Halloween release but I ran into issues. Packing with the CK, in addition to the already referenced directories not being included in the .bsa, there are missing scripts. These scripts appear in the CK's archive asset-list (The list that appears before packing your .bsa). There are too many files to sanely pack manually. I unfortunately did not set the setting in the CK to name all quest fragment scripts with my mod's prefix, so there is literally no way to check if they are all there and accounted for. When I packed all I thought I needed, I moved the archive and .esm file to my test machine and the game crashed at the beginning of a spell-cast. Since the spell is in-game (and worldspaces) I doubt the plugin is to blame, but maybe the spell cast sound or script attached to the magic effect, but I will test it more tonight after attempting a more thorough archive packing. All of my directories (Meshes*\MyMod* etc) are cleanly laid out, but when I get to the script directory it is all dumped into Scripts* and Scripts\Source*, and constant copy and pasting makes "Date Last Modified" not an option to assist me with discerning which quest fragment scripts are mine. It also doesn't help that I have been working on this mod for the last three years and my scripts go back as far as that... I have tried packing with BSAopt. I set the archiver to "Skyrim" and set the compression to 10 "Maximum", and the other settings according to DarkFox's tutorial What I get is a .bsa that is 173KB large. It contains all of the files, but these files are all ~0KB each, which is not correct obviously. Is there anything I am doing wrong? Maybe I should run the program as administrator? (Worth trying when I get home I guess...) What method do you use for packing your .bsa files? Are there any tips you can offer me? :sad: I always dread this part of mod development.
  9. Here you go: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=138829894
  10. 1. Open the .nif in Nifskope. 2. Open the bhkCompressedMeshShapeData. 3. Find the Chunk Materials item, and expand it. 4. Should see "material" with something like MAT_WOOD next to it. 5. Double-click it and from the drop-down box, choose the material you want.
  11. I agree, I hate how some people think this is the PC gamers getting bent out of shape because we have to share mods with console players, that is far from the truth. How have you taken preventative measures?
  12. When I say "big project" I mean like 20+ worldspaces about 15x15 cells large each, and have these worldspaces have doors that lead to eachother. I want to have each developer work on their own worldspace. Each developer would have access to the same assets, and these assets might change during development. What would be the easiest way to pull this off? Would I need to have each user make plugins based from a main .esm content file?What would need to happen if I wanted to add new content to the .esm?What if I need to change something in the .esm?How would those .esp files talk to each other? (Have doors lead from one to the other, or quests that span through to areas in a different plugin)Would I need to merge the .esp files and then link those doors and make the quests after merging?Is there an easier way to have shared development? Sorry if I didn't explain that clear enough, the whole idea has me mystified.
  13. Please do tell, NexusComa. What is this 'mod error' you speak of.
  14. I too have tried the fix to no avail... The in-game fix works until the next worldspace is loaded, but the .ini tweaks do absolutely nothing to prevent this bug in-game and in-CK. Have you had any luck with this OP?
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