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  1. Have you had a look at the Threading Notes page on the CK wiki? You may have to make a single entity that updates the global variable when the other scripts call a specific function in a script attached to that entity. The function can use e.g. a spin lock to queue up the execution of the rest of the function and thus the incrementation of the global variable. Alternatively, you could have your scripts chuck a token item into a container and attach a script, which periodically clears out the container and increments the global variable by the number of token items, to the container. If you don't want to have the container script checking all the time and you don't need the global variable to update instantly, then you could set up a delay system that uses the OnItemAdded event to unregister any previous updates, and register for a single update. Or you could use the OnItemAdded event to switch into an active state (clear out the container every N seconds) and after some time of inactivity switch back to an idle state.
  2. Have you tried checking what happens if you move all of the container's contents to another container with RemoveAllItems? Does GetItemCount still return an unexpected value when called on that other container? EDIT: Are you always checking for the same item? If so, then you might be able to use the condition functions that are available in e.g. quests and magic effects. I'm not sure if that system is also affected by the same bug that GetItemCount appears to be suffering from.
  3. You can also compile your scripts from text editors like Notepad++, Sublime Text, and others. The CK wiki even has a page with instructions on how to setup Notepad++. You'll need to attach scripts to forms, ObjectReferences, etc. and fill any properties you may have in your scripts within the CK, but you can do essentially all of your scripting outside of the CK (script fragments are an exception and tend to be easier to do in the CK).
  4. You have an incomplete definition for an Int property. As IsharaMeradin pointed out, you will probably just want to declare it as an Auto property unless you want to implement some specific behavior when either assigning a value to the property or getting its value. You'll need to remove the EndProperty keyword from the last line or it will cause a compilation error once you have added the Auto keyword. The first error (mismatched input 'Event' expecting FUNCTION) was caused by the fact that you were incorrectly defining a "full" property (i.e. without the Auto keyword). Only specific functions (Set and/or Get functions with the appropriate return values, but at the very least one of the functions is required) may be defined inside of a property definition, but your script contained definitions for an event and a function, which is neither a Set nor a Get function, inside of the property definition.
  5. Minor point I'd like to add is that the following line is unnecessary: objectReference caster = akCaster akCaster is an Actor, which extends ObjectReference (which in turn extends Form), and as such any non-global ObjectReference (and Form) functions can be called on an instance of Actor. akCaster can also be passed as an argument to a function instead of using an explicitly declared ObjectReference variable as an intermediary. Not crucial to the functionality of this script, but a useful technical aspect of the language to know.
  6. It is only available for Sublime Text at the moment. The linter is integrated instead of being a standalone Python script in order to eliminate the overhead introduced by starting an external program (around 1-2 seconds in my experience). That said the linter could be separated into its own little program that could then be used with other editors just to do the linting (it also handles some of the completion system's logic in its current integrated form).
  7. The += operator is most likely the issue. You can only use the simple assignment operator, =, when assigning directly to an array element. So you should use this line instead: TalleyofMatchingWords[LoopCounter] = TalleyofMatchingWords[LoopCounter] + 1 By the way, the linter that I've included in SublimePapyrus can catch illegal code like that.
  8. SKSE added GetNumRefs and GetNthRef functions to the Cell script, if SKSE is an acceptable dependency for your mod.
  9. I got the following two errors when trying to compile the script source you posted: You are trying to call GetLeveledActorBase on an ObjectReference. You would need to cast akAggressor as an Actor: Target = (akAggressor as Actor).GetLeveledActorBase() However, you still have the problem of Target having been declared as an Actor variable while GetLeveledActorBase returns an ActorBase value. The script compiles just fine with the following substitution: Target = akAggressor as Actor
  10. Reading data from multiple sources (savegame, plugins, and potentially from the Skyrim process) may turn out to be a decent solution (e.g. some things only need to be read once, unavailable or cumbersome to access from some sources). There is an event in Papyrus for when a savegame is loaded, but you won't know which particular savegame is loaded. I'm already playing around with the idea of a map system that would allow the player to do their own map making while playing: - Buy a basic map with just the major cities and settlements marked on it. - The player could add their own map markers. - More serious roleplaying could be facilitated by requiring the player to use an in-game map and compass to figure out where they are (update position on the map) and their heading. Custom maps that look hand-drawn could be made. Tabletop RPG communities have plenty of suitable resources like brushes available for this kind of stuff. I've always been annoyed by the pin-point accuracy of quest markers in Skyrim and this map system could be made to point at an approximate area (e.g. circle containing the exact spot, but not centered on that spot). Dialogue and quest objectives don't always give enough info to be able to completely remove quest markers, but maybe the aforementioned idea could be a decent compromise. Mapping would probably be limited to large worldspaces (e.g. Skyrim, Solstheim) unless one wanted to figure out how to generate local maps based on the loaded plugins. By the way, the prototype does seem to also work quite well when entering a city worldspace (e.g. Whiterun) and the player position remains quite accurate on the Skyrim-wide map when moving through a city. Not sure how one would handle the discovery of locations, if one wanted to retain that from the map system in Skyrim. There is a Papyrus function that could be used, but it would require polling to find the markers and it would ignore the discovery radii set in the markers. The official wiki contains quite good documentation on the language specs and some tutorials. Should not be difficult since you already have programming experience. I'll take the opportunity to plug one of my projects, SublimePapyrus, then as it might make it a bit easier for you to get started with Papyrus. It's a package for a text editor called Sublime Text (major versions 2 and 3 are supported) and the package includes stuff like syntax highlighting, a linter, intelligent auto-completion based on Papyrus source files found in the import folders that you can define in a settings file, build system, etc. At least the auto-completion means less memorization and looking up of functions on the wiki. SublimePapyrus also happens to be written in Python, if you want to have a peek under the hood/modify/contribute. Wearing down SSDs crossed my mind as well and I agree that it would be better to use a socket or pipe. I think that would have to be implemented in C++ as an SKSE plugin to get data from Skyrim. My C++ knowledge is very basic and it has been quite a while since I last wrote C++ code. Not at the moment. I could probably clean it up a bit and host it somewhere, if you want to test it or have a look at it. It ain't pretty though. I might end up working on at least a map system as described above when I find enough time for it. If you want to collaborate (even if just on small parts), then I'd be up for it.
  11. I threw together a quick and very dirty prototype for showing the player's position in Skyrim. Here are two screenshots southwest of Solitude and north of Riften (a red X marks the player's location): - A Papyrus script outputs the player's X and Y coordinates as a JSON-formatted text file with the help of JContainers. - A Python script scales the coordinates and passes the generated values to a Rainmeter skin, which is displayed on a secondary 1280x1024 monitor, every 5 seconds. - The Rainmeter skin positions a red X on top of a map I stitched together from multiple screenshots of this map of Skyrim.
  12. On a technical level this seems like an interesting problem to solve. If you want to do prototyping, then you could probably use PapyrusUtil, JContainers, or FISS to output data to a text file from Skyrim's scripting system. NW.js or Electron could be used to watch those files and display the information. You would probably have to create an SKSE plugin at some point to get access to some of the data you are interested in (e.g. description fields in magic effects) that is currently not available even via SKSE's additions to Papyrus (mainly because the information is not relevant to game mechanics). However, a few things to think about: - Think about how the data is handled and its persistence in the context of the player's ability to load a save game at any point. - Is this data not available for the player to view already? If it is visible, then is the intention to make it more convenient to view in certain circumstances? - Why not implement this in the game (e.g. as a separate menu, a HUD element with the help of SkyUI's framework)? - Real-time access to data might be tricky, but event-based or regular (every N seconds) updates may work. What can be done within such limitations? - How will you take into account modded content (e.g. in terms of maps/player location info)? Relying on static information from a wiki is not viable in most cases. - What would the user experience be like (e.g. would one be forced to switch from the game window to the second screen to do stuff like changing what is displayed)?
  13. There is not a whole lot of documentation, but the functions are in the Utility script.
  14. You're welcome. You can compile scripts from within Sublime Text, though it still needs Bethesda's compiler (or a 3rd party compiler) to do so. The settings file of the SublimePapyrus package also allows you to use some of the more advanced features (e.g. multiple import folders), which cannot be used from within CK, that Bethesda's compiler is capable of. You'll still need CK to attach scripts, fill properties, and generate script fragments in quests and dialogue. Outside of those things I think you can do everything else from an external editor such as Sublime Text.
  15. The explanation that I provided is based on prior experience with writing a linter, which is a piece of software that checks the validity of source code just like a compiler would do in its front end, for Papyrus. I don't have any way of proving that what I said is actually happening since I do not have access to the source code of Bethesda's compiler, but it seems like the most likely scenario to me. The linter is a part of the SublimePapyrus (GitHub repository, Nexus page) package, which I am the primary developer and maintainer of, for Sublime Text 2 and 3. The package has other neat features as well for anyone doing a lot of scripting. As for how I figured it out; at first I could not see what the problem was with your script. I then copied the script into Sublime Text 3 with the SublimePapyrus package installed and let the linter have a look at the script. No errors found, but I have in the past forgotten to implement certain checks, and sometimes I have even managed to avoid bugs, found in Bethesda's compiler. At that point I figured I might need to fix something in my linter. Then I tried compiling the script with the compiler provided by Bethesda and got the same errors that you reported on the lines that you mentioned. Based on a hunch I tried messing with the whitespace between the variable names, operators, and integer literal in the lines that were causing compilation errors. No more errors when compiling with the minus and 1 characters separated by whitespace. It looks like the front end of Bethesda's compiler is based on a parser generated with ANTLR based on the names of certain files found in the same folder as the compiler. I cannot say for sure if the issue you brought up is a bug with ANTLR or just this one particular compiler. I was initially looking into the possibility of using ANTLR myself when I first started writing my own linter as it was my first time writing such a program, but I ended up not going that route. Edit: A bit more detail on my reasoning, if you or anyone else is interested. Lexical analysis deals with what could be considered words (names of variables, names of functions, operators, etc.). This analysis is done by grouping individual characters and generating what are often called tokens. These tokens include additional information such as the row/line number, column number of the first character in the group of characters, type of group (identifier, operator, literal, etc.). Grouping characters can sometimes be tricky as it is context-sensitive and implementation-sensitive. Consider the following two statements: a = 2 - 1 b = -1 + 2Those two lines assign the same value to two different variables once evaluated. However, they produce different token streams and as a result different parse trees. The first line would produce (in a simplified form): Identifier: a Binary operator: assignment Integer literal: 2 Binary operator: subtraction Integeral literal: 1If we did not have any whitespace between - and 1, then we could produce: Identifier: a Binary operator: assignment Integer literal: 2 Unary operator: negation Integeral literal: 1or Identifier: a Binary operator: assignment Integer literal: 2 Integeral literal: -1 but given the context (an integer literal prior to a unary operator or another integer literal) we can figure out that the two integer literals are separated by a binary operator (subtraction). The second line would produce either: Identifier: b Binary operator: assignment Unary operator: negation Integer literal: 1 Binary operator: addition Integer literal: 2or Identifier: b Binary operator: assignment Integer literal: -1 Binary operator: addition Integer literal: 2depending on the implementation. Here are some hastily drawn representations of the parse trees and how they would be evaluated (going from the parse tree at the top to the parse tree at the bottom).
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