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  1. I’m translating The Witcher 3 into Serbian and simultaneously trying to make the game’s subtitles more readable. Currently, I’d like to adjust the direction from which new lines appear in subtitle text. In TW3, when outside of dialogues, if there are 2+ lines in a subtitle, line 1 is positioned above line 2 and so on: YENNEFER: I know. You might bring me GERALT: You're running out of juice. some more once you're done training. However, when inside a dialogue, it does the opposite and places line 2 below line 1: GERALT: See, I thought Ciri could stand YENNEFER: It's uninstructive. Not to mention unreasonable. to wait a little longer. For a subtitle, the latter example is less standard in the subtitling industry and can more easily conflict with UI elements (say the Skip button). The following videos demonstrate this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmjnLcw3RBc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dR1hRrZ8U-g I’ve been trying to adjust this inside the game’s SWF files without luck. The programs I use are WolvenKit for extracting the game files and JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler for editing them. The file containing subs outside dialogues is gameplay\gui_new\swf\witcher3\hud_subtitles.redswf, wheras the file for in-dialogue subs is gameplay\gui_new\swf\hud\hud_dialog.redswf. Anyone have any ideas?
  2. I like the green color more than the amber color, but I'm bugged by the fact that only the HUD ingame and the Pip-Boy have coloring options. Everything else is amber. And I've changed as many things as I can within the xml files that are amber to whatever the currently set HUD color is. I manage to do that to all amber things I can find - except one thing. The loading screen tips. I've looked in many places, and I can not find what defines its color. Does anyone here know where?
  3. Double-worded provinces are inglorious.
  4. All the recent games have been in an alphabetical order Arena Daggerfall Morrowind Oblivion Skyrim The next damn game is taking place in Valenwood
  5. There is a mod that I think may allow custom animations and that is called FNIS, Fore's New Idles for Skyrim, but I am not an advanced modder or animator of the sort.
  6. I see, could it also be changed to a custom animation instead of two handed?
  7. I'm talking about assigning different types of animations to a single weapon, for example I know one relatively light weapon that is held with two hands in reality (the katana) but ingame is only held like any other weapon. Since I like Japanese lore and play as a samurai or something ingame, I want to change those animations to be accurate, but I want to do so without editing the animations for all other one-handed weapons.
  8. Then just use FNIS? I've been using FNIS since it came out and it's never bugged out or anything ever. I've also never heard of other people having troubles with it either. You're overcomplicating things by being paranoid about it. This.
  9. In reality the katana would be categorized as a one-handed sword, ironically just held with two hands. This is the biggest old Japanese sword. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oT4N2FcBCZw/Tdo1FQFEQkI/AAAAAAAAAzw/9c0mT7eRCK8/s400/Nodachi+1.jpg
  10. I play as a samurai ingame. I know quite a bit of feudal Japanese lore and would be interested in a proper katana animation as shown in the spoiler image above. I could tweak it a bit to have a normal two-handed animation, sure, but that isn't satisfaction to me.
  11. That's pretty useful, I suppose, but it's outdated + incomplete.
  12. I don't think it would take alot of work. Gopher created Pumping Iron which is similar. This would only work similarly except that it switches between certain things instead of developing something directly over time like Pumping Iron. I'm straightforward sure SKSE can do it - SKSE has done everything.
  13. Yep, pretty self explainatory. Over time, a beard would grow on the face. A shaving mechanic would be pretty obvious, and compensational too, so players wouldn't need to depend on Galathil 24/7 for a relatively sizable expense.
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