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Is there a mod to make settlers spawn faster?


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Is the a mod that increases the spawn rate of settlers of a way to manually spawn them AND have then show as active members of a settlement?

Does player.placeatme (settler) make them count towards the limit?

There is a mod i think called "inifinite settlers" but i havent used it..and also one called "faster settlers"




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If you go to console to spawn settlers this is what you can do. Go to any owned settlement.


1 - Make a save.

2 - Open console and type player.placeatme 20593 1. Hit enter and exit console.

3 - This command will spawn one random setter. If you like this settler and want to keep it then:

4 - Open the workshop and highlight the settler. Give the command to Move To. Now the menu with your available settlements will come up.

5 - Select the settlement you want that settler to go to, and you are done.


This will assign that settler to that specific settlement, and you are done.


I do this for every settlement so I can select the settlers that are there. If you make that save right before you do this and you get a settler you do not like, just reload from that save and start over until you get the settler you want.


This is great if you have settlements that you want to be made up with only certain types of settlers.


Also you can replace the 1 in the command with any number you want. If you use a 5 instead you will instantly spawn 5 random settlers.


Far Harbor has a different ID for the FH settlers and you can mix them if you want. I like to throw a couple of FH settlers on Spectacle Island for that fisherman feel and dialog. :)

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