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Werewolves and CM Partners


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So, I've never had to ask for help before. I either find the issue myself, or find out how to fix it on google. I'd like to think I'm fairly experienced with Bethesda mods on all levels, but this one has me stumped and I can't for the life of me figure out how to fix it, nor is there anything on the subject except for a random mention here or there.


In Seyda Neen where you begin, the CM Partner mod has a bunch of people there you can recruit. I've recruited the healer who has since followed me about. Now, keep in mind I spent the better part of two days cleaning out my Morrowind mods and fixing everything so I could just load the game itself - shortly after a few re-installs and discovering MSGO just wasn't going to work with mods I considered personally essential. But I digress.


I finally get to have some serious playtime, and I enter the cave near Seyda Neen and discover a werewolf. The bloody thing got me infected, which preceeded my partner suddenly calling out, "Who's there?" in an infinite loop, with each successive "goodbye" leading to less and less disposition until it was gone. I loaded, tried again, and this time she didn't peep. She just started telling me I should get cured and that she's a healer. Cool, that's nice to know. SO, I keep moving along, step outside the cave, and WAM, "Prepare to die!" pops up four times - at the same time - and suddenly each of the partners within Seyda Neen want my head. I'm thinking, how do you even know I have this problem? Aesthetics aside, it was going to be annoying if each town required me to slay any potential partners because they had this psychic ability to sense I was infected from a mile away. I can't put up with any more bugs and I'm about to recall why I stopped playing Morrowind in the first place. Can anyone help me out here, PLEASE? I'd greatly appreciate it, I'm at wit's end.



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I guess this problem wont be solved since nobody replied here for it for 2 years, but anyway.


I have similar problem with mod CM partners for Morrowind as you wrote before.
My character did catch common disease and then I was walking towards Balmora, suddenly a dialogue window opened from invisible character called Tavius or Travius, with no other option than goodbye, repeating and repeating, no way to get out of it, when I hit goodbye the window open again. So I loaded the game few times....same thing. I tried to avoid the place I recall myself into one interior far from there, when I got out again the same dialogue window.

I uninstall the mod and had to start the game all over again.
The thing is I like the mod and want to try to fix it somehow, I know I am reacting on you very old post here, but please if you did find some way how to fix this - cause I think its the "character being diseased" what triggers it apparently - let me know.

Thank you for your help

Edited by awx1
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