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Circumventing the +-64 cell size limit for worldspaces

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I wonder if putting the [HAVOK] line in the CreationKitPrefs.ini is needed to establish the bounds?

No, I tried it and as expected it does not work.

(I added that line in the CK ini, edited the landscape in the 64 cell a bit and then saved, then COC'ed into that cell in the game and I still get the "64 cell bug").


But all this talk of ini settings made me think ...


The ini settings are basically text in a file.

The game reads them at the start and then does some stuff based on those settings.

So there would have to be some function in the game that goes over all the lines in the ini file.

And it would do something like this:


This would be iniside the ini file:


So the game would do something like this:

  • Check if any of the lines in the ini file contains "ExampleIniValue="
  • Then take the number after that "=" and do something with it (store it in a global variable, pass it to a function, whatever ...)

So, the "text to check for" should be in the game exe somewhere as like "clear text" (strings).

So, it would be possible to make a list of all possible ini settings and see if anything useful is among those settings.



I already tried to have a look at the FO4.exe myself but couldn't get the disassembler / decompiler to work (I tried to use Ghidra).

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I wonder if putting the [HAVOK] line in the CreationKitPrefs.ini is needed to establish the bounds?

No, I tried it and as expected it does not work.

(I added that line in the CK ini, edited the landscape in the 64 cell a bit and then saved, then COC'ed into that cell in the game and I still get the "64 cell bug").


But all this talk of ini settings made me think ...


The ini settings are basically text in a file.

The game reads them at the start and then does some stuff based on those settings.

So there would have to be some function in the game that goes over all the lines in the ini file.

And it would do something like this:


This would be iniside the ini file:


So the game would do something like this:

  • Check if any of the lines in the ini file contains "ExampleIniValue="
  • Then take the number after that "=" and do something with it (store it in a global variable, pass it to a function, whatever ...)

So, the "text to check for" should be in the game exe somewhere as like "clear text" (strings).

So, it would be possible to make a list of all possible ini settings and see if anything useful is among those settings.



I already tried to have a look at the FO4.exe myself but couldn't get the disassembler / decompiler to work (I tried to use Ghidra).


You forgot about the section ;)


Typically you would have something like:

MyVar = (readini 'config' 'myKey'); where the readini function would return the value found, or nil, for the given key (myKey) inside the given section (config).

Something like (writeini 'config' 'myKey' 'myValue') being the opposite.


...and you are right about getting them from the exe, except people already did that 6 years ago. So there is a ton of info to find about all settings found. There's no need for you to do that anymore.

However, it's a mess. Mixed with a lot of skyrim info (as always). There are many lists, each different. Soem of the sites with explanations for each setting do not include the [havok] section.


Non of those who took them from the .exe has a [havok] section by the looks of it. Which makes me wonder if that doesn't happen to be something applicable for skyrim, but not fo4.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There seems to be a way to get around this with a INI edit.


According to this: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/10356913-making-a-boundary-expansion-the-extends-the-maps-borders-new-locations/


I tried to message the author of that post but they did not reply.

Does anybody else know about this INI edit?

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There seems to be a way to get around this with a INI edit.


According to this: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/10356913-making-a-boundary-expansion-the-extends-the-maps-borders-new-locations/


I tried to message the author of that post but they did not reply.

Does anybody else know about this INI edit?


Oh, the guy with no sense of humor? I think he's blowing smoke. INI settings aren't going to override the game engine array size, or bypass whatever error checking is in place to prevent out-of-bounds read/writes. That's going to be compiled in, not read from some external, modifiable text file that could introduce game breaking values. INI settings are there to allow tweaks to match player computer performance, not to completely change the way the game engine works.

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There seems to be a way to get around this with a INI edit.


According to this: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/10356913-making-a-boundary-expansion-the-extends-the-maps-borders-new-locations/


I tried to message the author of that post but they did not reply.

Does anybody else know about this INI edit?


Oh, the guy with no sense of humor? I think he's blowing smoke. INI settings aren't going to override the game engine array size, or bypass whatever error checking is in place to prevent out-of-bounds read/writes. That's going to be compiled in, not read from some external, modifiable text file that could introduce game breaking values. INI settings are there to allow tweaks to match player computer performance, not to completely change the way the game engine works.


Oh, ok ....


I guess I got my hopes up for nothing ... :mellow:

(Which is why I usually am not optimistic, because I just end up getting dissapointed ..)

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I guess I got my hopes up for nothing ... :mellow:

(Which is why I usually am not optimistic, because I just end up getting dissapointed ..)



I'm not saying it's not possible that something in the INI could change the limit, just that, from a software design perspective, it would be stupid to allow the user to make a change that almost inevitably results in out-of-bounds or buffer overflow errors.

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