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Challenge anyone to a duel/brawl.


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The people of Skyrim are just so... disrespectful. If I met a man who had killed what the average dragonborn has killed before sunset of the first day of his adventure, I'd be a lot less sassy than some of the NPCs are. When I'm playing a good guy it's not so bad. But when I'm playing a character who I know would beat the crap out of anyone who offended him, it makes me want to show them who's boss!

I'd like a mod that adds a dialogue option to NPCs that would allow the player to enter a brawl with them. Some NPCs would deny the request (women would probably deny if you're a man, unless they're skilled fighters too. Priests like Heimskir, Old wizards like Calcelmo and pushovers like Nazeem would also probably decline. Guards too, because you can't just have citizens walking around, assaulting guards) but proud men, drunkards, mercenaries, and anyone in an Orc Stronghold should willingly agree to go toe-to-toe. Also, if you brawl with a person, can you reduce all the intimidation checks of that person to zero? Seems silly to beat the crap out of someone and still fail to intimidate them.


This would let you roleplay a tough guy who commands fear/respect without murdering people and/or getting thrown in jail.


It would also be cool (and probably easier) to allow you to challenge people to duels. That way a proud warrior can kill a man who offends his honor in a fair fight and not get sent to jail.


Finally, if no one is interested in working on this mod, can someone at least make a backhand mod that adds a dialogue option that, when selected, plays an animation of your character backhanding the NPC? Maybe add a fury affect that is likelier to work on higher-leveled people (weaker people are just happy that that's all you did, but stonger people think they can take you on). If that's too complicated, just always applying a fury effect to the person being slapped would be alright too. It should still be illegal to backhand guards and nobles.

Edited by Tacohawk76
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