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[Mod Request] Cut Weapons turned Usuable


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To specify, I'd like to see weapons like Edge of Ultima, the Detection Saber, Staff, and Shield, and Test the King properly added into the game with working stats and abilities, and a means to get them (even if it's just buy them at a moogle shop). In terms of what they'd have, maybe just make Edge of Ultima have 4s strength and 6 magic with finishing plus so it's an opposite Ultima Weapon, and the Detection weapons could all be weaker and have Lucky Lucky (and Test the King is already amazing). Honestly, you can give them whatever you want, but I thought that since I'm requesting it in the first place, I should at least help with suggestions. I don't know if they're still in the PC versions code, but since they were still in the PS4 version, I'd hope so. If not, then you can just ignore the request.

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