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[LE] Help with and/or conditions

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Hello friends!


I am working on a mod that allows you to give your children new clothes and gifts from a variety of resource packs. To maximize compatibility, this is done using a separate dialogue system than the standard Hearthfire gift menu. Under normal circumstances, the dialogue is only available in the house added by the mod. However, I added an MCM menu that allows you to open the dialogue to any child and set their clothing.


Because of that, I have two sets of scenarios that I want the dialogue to open under. The different conditions are as follows:



Scenario 1: The kid is one of your adopted children inside your house.

A) Subject IsChild ==1

B) Subject GetFactionRank DisallowChangeClothesFaction != 1

C) Subject GetStage HouseQuest == 800

D) Player GetInCurrentLoc, HouseInterior == 1


Scenario 2: You toggled the option to allow it for any child in the MCM

A) Subject IsChild == 1

F) Subject GetGlobalValue, ChangeClothesMCMAllow == 1



What I would like is for the dialogue to open under:

(A and B and C and D) OR (A and F)


For the life of me I cannot figure out how to do it. I have looked at the discussions online and cannot seem to get them in the right order. Can anyone help me with this?

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Long time ago I made dialogue conditions. Maybe you could reduce the check as follow:

    Subject IsChild == 1                                  AND
    Player GetInCurrentLoc, HouseInterior == 1            OR
    Subject GetGlobalValue, ChangeClothesMCMAllow == 1    AND / OR

I think its very likely that a kid insight your house is ready to change the clothes all the time.

Edited by ReDragon2013
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That is helpful!


The thing about the kids in the house is that there is a period before the quest is finished where new children added by the mod are not yet ready to listen to you. Like one of them comes up to you and says "Your guards killed my parents!" and it would be awkward if next to your response there was an option to make her change into a different dress. That's the reason for the HouseQuest == 800 condition.

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