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Mod Editor Issue: InstantActionCheck?


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If I try to "Save to Mod" Content/LevelGenerators/ScenarioGeneratorClass (without making any changes to anything), I get a popup asking me to check for references to some InstantActionCheck graph:



which then fails if I click "yes" and gives me this error:

Can't save ../../../MW5Mercs/Plugins/TEST_MOD/ModOverride/LevelGenerators/ScenarioGeneratorClass.uasset: Graph is linked to external private object EdGraph /Game/LevelGenerators/ScenarioGeneratorClass.InstantActionCheck (MacroGraph)

Is this class just broken in the editor for some reason and we can't mod it? I've tried validating my install of MechWarrior5Editor, and even a full uninstall/reinstall. I saw a few help articles on this https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/219204/cant-save-due-to-graph-is-linked-to-external-priva.html , but I'm unsure how PGI was able to ship a broken blueprint or how any fellow modders edit these files without running into problems.

Edited by RedHellion
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