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How do I remove an old file from an older version of my mods now?


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Guest deleted34304850


those answers are very simple;


1. no delete option - it would break collections.

2. no opt out option - you agreed to the (changed) TOS so its on you.


this is not necessarily the answer. are you authorized by staff ?


and so far i have not agreed to the new tos. this change is new for me and to me it sounds not fair.

as far is i know i have time until at least the 5 th of August to make up my mind. this kind of short ultimatium feels not right and surprises me.


they are the answers. I get you don't like them, but thats not my problem, it's yours.

No i am not authorised by staff if i was my little avatar would have a shitty little blurb telling you. look closely - you'll see i'm just a regular nexusmods user. however, i did read the essay on these changes closely and the answers to the questions are contained in there. you obviously didn't read it closely otherwise you wouldon't be asking the questions, so consider this a helping hand from me, because you won't get one from anyone on the staff for two reasons;

1. they dont work weekends

2. they don't give a toss about you or your questions and owe you nothing.


don't shoot the messenger. mkay?

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those answers are very simple;


1. no delete option - it would break collections.

2. no opt out option - you agreed to the (changed) TOS so its on you.


this is not necessarily the answer. are you authorized by staff ?


and so far i have not agreed to the new tos. this change is new for me and to me it sounds not fair.

as far is i know i have time until at least the 5 th of August to make up my mind. this kind of short ultimatium feels not right and surprises me.


they are the answers. I get you don't like them, but thats not my problem, it's yours.

No i am not authorised by staff if i was my little avatar would have a shitty little blurb telling you. look closely - you'll see i'm just a regular nexusmods user. however, i did read the essay on these changes closely and the answers to the questions are contained in there. you obviously didn't read it closely otherwise you wouldon't be asking the questions, so consider this a helping hand from me, because you won't get one from anyone on the staff for two reasons;

1. they dont work weekends

2. they don't give a toss about you or your questions and owe you nothing.


don't shoot the messenger. mkay?


However then mind your own business and let the person get an answer from someone who is is charge and from your own words its not YOU.

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those answers are very simple;


1. no delete option - it would break collections.

2. no opt out option - you agreed to the (changed) TOS so its on you.


this is not necessarily the answer. are you authorized by staff ?


and so far i have not agreed to the new tos. this change is new for me and to me it sounds not fair.

as far is i know i have time until at least the 5 th of August to make up my mind. this kind of short ultimatium feels not right and surprises me.


they are the answers. I get you don't like them, but thats not my problem, it's yours.

No i am not authorised by staff if i was my little avatar would have a shitty little blurb telling you. look closely - you'll see i'm just a regular nexusmods user. however, i did read the essay on these changes closely and the answers to the questions are contained in there. you obviously didn't read it closely otherwise you wouldon't be asking the questions, so consider this a helping hand from me, because you won't get one from anyone on the staff for two reasons;

1. they dont work weekends

2. they don't give a toss about you or your questions and owe you nothing.


don't shoot the messenger. mkay?


However then mind your own business and let the person get an answer from someone who is is charge and from your own words its not YOU.


We aren't going to get any answers from staff, that we haven't already gotten. The terms are laid out very precisely in both the ToS, and, the PSA concerning file deletion. It doesn't take a genius to get answers to his questions, just need to be able to read.

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stop using mod packs as excuse for what we all see plainly happening in front of us, theft.


I'm still waiting for Nexus to answer my 3 questions regarding author rights over their own creations.

you agreed to give Nexus full distribution rights when you upload. There is no theft here, only your own ignorance.

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Not just distribution rights, but RE-distribuition and even EDITING rights to your work, infinitely.


He also cleverly worded their ToS so that not only could they make changes to it, and right whatever they liked and never have to tell you about the changes, but by the simple act of logging into the site you automatically agreed to them, again without any notice. Pretty well written ToS doncha' think?


Legally Robin has all his "precious" mods, all of YOUR work, and can do with it as he pleases.

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