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Raider Red Rocket and the Battle of Concord


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Just for a change of pace, when I started my current playthrough I ran straight to Nuka World, became Overboss, then made raider outposts in the Commonwealth to get to the 8 necessary to finish unlocking everything. All without touching the main quest line at all, so I hadn't talked to Codsworth or rescued Preston and crew. One of the outposts I took over was the Red Rocket (because I have a blueprint for it that I really like).


Wanting to see Preston's reaction to getting rescued by the Overboss I finally got around to releasing him (disappointing, he doesn't even know he's being rescued by a raider worse than the wimpy ones that trapped him in the first place.) Got the gang out of the museum and on their merry way... and they hit the alert zone for my Red Rocket Disciples.


This began the never-ending Battle of Concord. See, the Concord 5 are all essential and can't die. The raider outpost is just a variation on a settlement, meaning the raider/settlers are essential and can't die. There being more Disciples (a lot more at this point) that the five people in Preston's group they rapidly bottled them up in the city, and since no one can die the fight just keeps going and going. Preston and company can't get to Sanctuary, and the Minuteman quest line can not continue.


It's actually kind of amusing, sitting on a rooftop with a cold Gwinett Stout and watching two groups of immortal warriors fighting for all eternity.




I tried making the raiders non-essential, didn't work. I tried using the kill command on the raiders from the console, that starts Open Season and removes all my raider outposts, which I want to keep. Eventually I looked up the RefID of everyone in the Concord 5, went to Sanctuary and used the console to move them to me, leap frogging the Red Rocket. That seems to have worked for the most part.


Need to find a mod which makes raider/settlers non-essential. That way attacks on settlements actually have consequences beyond replacing burnt crops or damaged turrets, allowing the populations to fluctuate based on what happens in the world. That way ignoring "Settlement A is under attack" actually has consequences.

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  • 3 months later...

So here is a simple advice:before going to museum when the retarded quest about something something freedom begins

open a console and type:complete quest 001a001c

Do not enter the museum.

Tha will end the quest and can have your fun in the Commonwealth.

The dumbass clown with his musket and his company of retards will stay in museum forever.

You don't need to bother with them anymore.Ever.

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