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1 An new world mod based on the beginning ares of fallout 3 and New Vegas with custom settlements for pc and xbox one


2 New world mod based on a wildlife Park with custom settlements


3 custome creatures Idea's Utahraptor and Microraptor and Baryonyx and Parasaurolophus for pc and xbox one


4 flags of the the world new and ruined wall and flag pole for pc and xbox one


5 fish tanks with animated fish for pc and xbox one


6 weapons ideas Italy's LF-57 SMG Argentina's FAA-82 rifel Sweden's Mks Pistol Australia's Owen Gun England's Welrod with damage modifiers


7 Fallout 4 Blue Bulidable Industrial Buildings for pc and Xbox One


8 Vampire powers and bite feed for humans turn human and animals into Vampires pc and xbox one


9 custom creature add Bats small medium big types to the game pc and xbox one


10 werewolfs as defence or as friendly and enemies pc and xbox one


11 custome companions of or based on Holly Willoughby Alexa Bliss Kirsty Gallagher Jeri Ryan Terry Farrell Anna Visitor Sean Connery Amanda Tapping Colm Meaney Pc and xbox one


12 Helicarrier settlement Bos with Bos building stuff settlement battleship settlement and a tranceport vertibird and metro train buildable items pc and xbox one


13 Custom Creatures add Elder Scrolls Frost Troll and Clannfear and Gargoyles and Imp to fallout 4 will custom two I Islands world space for pc and xbox one


14 A mod based on Fallout New Vegas The Thorn for Fallout 4 pc and xbox one

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Not Possible due to size limits

??? I mean it could be done but what do you even mean

Not possible due to size limits

Again, are you aware the consoles cant use too many custom assets (or none at all in the ps4's cases) due to the limited mod size?


That is a simple edit, you could use xEdit to do that.

See point 4.

^ but due to script limits



You can do that easy in the Creation Kit on PC in under a week or two.

See point 8.



Could be done on pc, look up Blender and how to make weapon mods for fallout 4 on youtube.


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There just ideas it's take your pick a not all of them are ment to be done but would love it if some of them was done and I can't make mods and some of them.


They don't have to be done exactly the way I've written them.


Like the flags of world the person could just do ruined flag and just do wall versions.


Don't take this the wrong way but do you know what wildlife park is its just so I can explain what I mean by that one?


Thanks for responding by the way you rock.

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Addons to my Idea's list

16 Brown Bess musket and Revolutionary War Muskets.


17 make the red rocket in lexington a settlement with and the buildings by the red rocket with the weapon workbench enterable interiors that are part of the settlement.



18 Dc's Lady BlackHawk Black Canary Young Justice and Redhood helmet and Outfit or just helmet with changeable colours and ballistic weave editable and female and male versions same as Lad BlackHawk and Black Canary


Lady BlackHawk outfits

https://www.google.com/search?q=lady+black+hawk&client=ms-android-sonymobile&prmd=insv&sxsrf=ALeKk01JfZtYMxEjBJnfAQNdSPF2GNnwkQ:1625233527325&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhyMrYwsTxAhWIY8AKHdaTAAgQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=512&dpr=3#imgrc=9H9hjykDgo0_fM&imgdii=eBQes0ZptAGVzM & https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/batman/images/5/51/Lady_Blackhawk.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120716195341


Black Canary Young Justice Outfit https://www.google.com/search?q=black+canary+young+justice&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiU77rhwsTxAhXa_IUKHUwSALMQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=black+Canary+&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgAMgQIIxAnMgQIIxAnMgQIIxAnMgIIADICCAA6BggAEAgQHjoGCAAQBRAeOgUIABCxAzoICAAQsQMQgwE6BAgAEEM6BwgAELEDEEM6BwgjEOoCECc6BggAEAoQGFDY_yxYvokuYMqRLmgDcAB4AYABhQGIAfw1kgEFNjguMTCYAQGgAQGwAQXAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=iRjfYNSGOdr5lwTMpICYCw&bih=512&biw=360&client=ms-android-sonymobile&prmd=insv#imgrc=xApJmqfs76fE2M


Red Hood Outfit

https://images.app.goo.gl/PJhYdXS6SrZEaKk27 & https://images.app.goo.gl/f4iK8UspSCWtZFgWA

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