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Coalesced Edits Seemingly Not Taking Effect? (ME2LE)


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I tried doing some of my own edited to the Mass Effect 2 coalesced last night, using this guide (https://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectlegendaryedition/mods/91), but when I put the newly edited coalesced file into the BioGame folder, I don't think any of the changes took effect. I used edit suggestions from the Mass Effect wiki PC Tweaks page, such as "unlocking squad appearances" by editing the plot flags. When I go back into the game, the edit doesn't work, however when I would have unlocked an alternate outfit (through loyalty missions), I no longer have the option to swap to it, showing me that something changed. I am just not really familiar with editing coalesceds for Mass Effect 2, especially the new way, and am unsure if this is a common issue or not.


I would also like to note that downloading someone else's edit through the Nexus does take effect, so maybe I edited it incorrectly somehow? It never threw back any errors so I am unsure.


Any insight would be appreciated!

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