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What current leveling mode for pure mage (and vampire)?


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i, I used to play a pure mage with GCD before and now I want to try something more modern / robust with another pure mage, now vampire too (Vampire Embrace and Vampiric Hunger).

People now recommend MADD, CCCP and MULE.

What would you recommend with considering that I want to be a vampire right from the start? There will be a considerable boost to the attributes and skills. Can't I slow down a leveling mode significantly by doing this? I don't want to be at a very low level for a long time (due to Vampire modes - cant embrace people at a higher level).

Thanks for tips.

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Thanks for the reply. This is not a problem. Thanks to VE / VH, I can easily have an NPC reaction as if I were not a vampire.


So it's mainly about leveling mod for a mage, but I will have boosted attributes and skills from the beginning...

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