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How do I make armors non-removable?


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I'm aware that Devious Devices does something similar to what I want to do here. I'm creating a suit of armor that can only be equipped or unequipped by activating a certain piece of furniture in a settlement, only if the player has certain items in their inventory. and NOT via the pip-boy. How can I go about doing this?
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You can attach a script like this to the object reference of the furniture in the Creation Kit.

Scriptname YOURSCRIPTNAME extends ObjectReference Const

Armor Property RequiredItems Auto Const	;"Armor" property if it's is an armor, MiscObject if it's a miscellaneous object...
Armor Property MyArmor Auto Const

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

	If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer()	;Object activated by Player

		If Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(RequiredItems) > 0	;We have more "RequiredItems" than 0

			If Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(MyArmor) == 0	;If the armor is not equipped

				Game.GetPlayer().EquipItem(MyArmor, abPreventRemoval = true)	;Equip the armor on the Player and make it unequippable.

			ElseIf Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(MyArmor) == 1	;If the armor is equipped

				Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItem(MyArmor, abPreventRemoval = true)	;Unequip





Edited by LarannKiar
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