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Need help with my custom follower's recruitment quest!

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I'll get right into it- I need help figuring out how to make it so that my follower's "follow me, I need your help" dialogue pops up only AFTER his quest has been completed. I'm basically a complete noob when it comes to the Creation Kit, but I've figured out the conditions system and such pretty quickly. That being said, though, I'm still not a master at it.


Is there any way to make this so? Additionally, is there a way to get the follower to accompany the player during this quest? For example: Player offers to get the item back (a necklace in this case), and follower decides to come along as well. Only after the necklace has been looted from the enemy NPC (I've already created them and placed them inside Halted Stream Camp) and returned to the follower will the ACTUAL recruitment dialogue appear.


Thank you in advance for any help you can offer me!

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Yes you can do both of these...

The first could be done simply with a dialogue condition that checks either a global variable or a script's variable that would change through Papyrus after the quest is completed.

The second idea can be done with a reference alias that has a follower ai package attached to it. When the actor fills that reference alias during your quest, the follower ai package will override their default ai packages - which can be overridden by scene ai packages because they trump reference alias ai packages.

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