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Adding animations to enemies.


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Hi, so I am making this topic to see if I can learn a way to figure out an issue I was having. I was working on a companion mod. Said companion had a pet mutant hound. I noticed during fights that when said mutant hound pet would get dropped to zero health it would instantly get its heal refilled. This was a bit problematic it means that this creature is unstoppable. It was slightly hilarious at first but I felt it was a bit op. After talking to some people the reason he would not entered a downed state was because mutant hounds have no downed animation. I thought huh, and looking into it most enemies dont have a downed state at least not most animals and creatures. I was wanting to figure out how I could give an enemy type a downed animation. I was planning to use other animations in game to do this but I have no idea where to start or what to do. Any help would be great.

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