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Compatibility Patch For Shields On Back - EVG Conditional Idles SSE & AllGUD (All Geared Up Derivative)


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I've come up with a simple script theory for a small compatibility patch for animation mods which add/change the draw/sheathe animations to "shield on back & sword on hip" for those using EVG Conditional Idles with AllGUD (All Geared Up Derivative)


EVG Conditional Idles has you check the "Shield stays on arm when equipped" in the player weapons tab in the MCMenu for out of the box compatibility when in rains. Otherwise your hand floats above the head with no shield. You can check this on and off yourself, but it's a hassle. Especially with some weather mods where it rains more often than others.


However, when you have animation replacers for "sword & board" style play (shield on back, sword on hip), the shield does not go to your back when sheathed, and stays on your arm while equipped like intended by the AllGUD settings.


This is a small immersion issue for some nitpicky people like myself.


A small script running in the background to check for rainy weather, which when true, would enable the "Shield stays on arm when equipped" option in AllGUD's MCMenu in order to enable the shield on arm during rain, so EVG plays nicely while it rains. Your character will still do sword and board animations but the shield is not put to your back when weapons are sheathed, ever. However, the script to enable the option would only run during rain, and be disabled otherwise.


Then, when the rain ends, the script checks for clear weather, which will disable the aforementioned option so animations play nicer when outside of the rain (shield doesn't stay on your arm when you put your weapons away while there is no rain). Your shield will be put to your back properly and sword and board animations will be more immersive outside of the rain, while having immersion fixed inside the rain, without having the toggle the option on and off yourself every time the weather changes.


I have ZERO experience scripting but I have a decent intuition on the theories needed for one to perform.


Hopefully someone is adept enough to make this and not spend tons of time on it? I'd feel guilty if this script turned out to be a huge burden when attempted; but It'd be awesome to be able to submit this to EVG's mod page as a patch/update though, or as a standalone mod, and link it to LOOT as a third party patch. It's not an edit of either mod. It's an original script, though it calls for their settings. Not sure how republishing of something like that would go.


Anyways, thanks tons everyone.

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