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KOTN Wayshrine Duplicate


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Trying to complete the pilgrimage for KOTN. The shrine for Arkay and Mara both say Arkay and that is what shows up in the notes on the quest. The id for both is 00176025. So I am not getting a completion for Mara.


What do I do now??? Is there a way to alter the id for the shrine outside of Skingrad to correct this???


Thanks, Ed

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Of course there is. To do it easy your self, well follow the guides here. You could also you look up the quest at UESP and set the proper stage in Console as you visited all shrines so that is not cheating really.


I guess I can give you more details, specially about cool expansions for KOTN and so on. Well check out this very well expansion that is among my favorites, that will give you a lot of game play for sure

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Thank you very much.


I had played this game for hundreds of hours before Skyrim came out. Back then MODs were few and not of the same quality as Skyrim . Then with the Extended Edition it just consumed much of my time so I hadn't gotten back to Oblivion, though I wished that the company had somehow changed the engine to match Skyrim. But, "if wishes were horses, beggers would ride".


Again, thank you for taking the time to help other gamers.


Best regards, Ed

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  • 3 weeks later...

I additional quests for the KOTN MOD. There is probably no point in commenting but I enjoyed the MOD. I completed the addons for the castle but there are no mannequins in the trophy room, too bad because I brought back a ton of different armors from the past. I also have a lot from current time and would have liked to display them. I also time traveled back with the hour glass but there was nothing to do or explore. I never figured out what to do with the arrow. I went back to the island where the staves were enchanted but couldn't figure out where to stand to shoot the arrow and never saw the sun clearly at noon. At this late date I can only wish that the original author had stuck with his creation. There have been some good authors who dropped out of Skyrim as well. Usually because gamers complained about the maps. I always enjoyed exploring their creations and miss their contributions.


At any rate, thank you for the recommendation.



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Not many houses includes mannequins as far as I know in Oblivion, as most seems to use one of the 17 extended mannequin mod's, which you could use for all stuff. Making your own Mannequins is not that complicated either really.

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