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'You are sneaking through the dark and see an enemy. You line up your shot. It's clear. It's good. You zoom in and time slows down. You release the mouse button on the exhale ...

... and the arrow ricochets off thin air or becomes embedded in the boards at your feet.'


This is a quote from a topic in Steam's forum. And it describes exactly what I mean.

Every single time I try to sneak on foes and I'm on higher ground (ex: on a tower, on the flank of a mountain) my arrows bounce on the wall, as if they were shot form my feet or crotch, even if I have a clear line of sight on my target and even if there's nothing visible between us.

Anyone able to fix that?

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This is a well known issue.
All visible meshes have a invisible collision mesh, for performance reasons this collision meshes are not as detailed or exactly aligned to the visible surface. In fact there are two game worlds you play in - the high detailed visual part and the blocky low poly invisible collision mesh world for all physics calculations.
So if you hide around a corner or a rock and take your aim at a target just beside the visible edge of your obstacle - there is a high chance you actually shoot into the collision mesh and your arrow sticks in front of you in an invisible object or bounces of it. Ever tried to shoot through a metal gate to kill a monster?
To solve this issue, nearly every collision mesh in-game needs to be adjusted which would increase loading time and would drop performance significant for something no one can see.

Hope that clarifies it a little bit


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