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Color swapped armor in leveled list


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Hi, I'm currently testing some ideas and I feel like I've hit the wall. For my tests I'm using Vtaw's Wardrobe 7 and I want to add multiple color swapped varations of some armor to leveled list.

I tried to use the method explained here (Adding armor with multiple color swaps to LLs) but before reaching main menu game crashes. Everything works fine when I remove my edits from ARMO record, some settlers spawn with vanilla outfits while others spawn with Vtaw's clothing, but it's all in default colors and I want to add that extra layer of variety.

Simple way around this probably would be creating separate ARMO records for every color variant but I actualy want to this the proper way ;P

So can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?





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  • 8 months later...

Hello, slightly related to this tread, but how would I make it so only a raider or faction can spawn with that particular colour swap?

Maybe use Instantiation filter keywords? Just a rough thought, i barely understand how they work, although they were always intriguing entities. Possibly, omod containing the swap should have one like if_minutmen, then a leveled list with same filter kw will pick it up. But anyway, this filtered lvli must be assigned to members of a particular faction only, i think. Maybe need to modify Template combinations in base records too. There seems be no conditions or something else to ensure dynamic selectivity based on target char's properties, seems be fairly expansive work then. Or maybe i just haven't noticed this mechanism. ps. There is also FLTR-Filter text field, but again no idea how should be used properly.


Maybe scripts could help, but would be rather problematic, i think, to modify gear after it drops into inventory and becomes aware about wearer's affiliation.


Well, what i actually wanted to bump, is that godforsaken AddOnIndex which bricks* the consoles, while CK doesn't care a single bit to warn you before upload. Beware.

* not really though, it only bricks Fallout, but anyway is painful...

Edited by hereami
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