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Help me figure out what the problem is (valheim) [Warning: HarmonyX]


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[Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - valheim (14.05.2021 5:08:30)

[info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2019.4.24.6137584
[info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000
[info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: True
[info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows
[Message: BepInEx] Preloader started
[info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [bepInEx.Preloader]
[info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [bepInEx.MonoMod.HookGenPatcher]
[info : BepInEx] 2 patcher plugins loaded
[info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Previous MMHOOK location found. Using that location to save instead.
[info :HookGenPatcher] Already ran for this version, reusing that file.
[info : BepInEx] Patching [unityEngine.CoreModule] with [bepInEx.Chainloader]
[Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished
[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready
[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started
[info : BepInEx] 24 plugins to load
[info : BepInEx] Loading [PlantEverything 1.8.3]
[info : PlantEverything] Initialized Server Authoritative Config Manager.
[info : BepInEx] Loading [Auto Fuel 0.6.0]
[Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.DeclaredMethod: Could not find method for type Console and name InputText and parameters
[Warning: HarmonyX] Unknown patch - Could not find method InputText with 0 parameters in type Console, but it was found in base class of this type Terminal
[info : BepInEx] Loading [AutoSplitStack 0.1.1]
[info : BepInEx] Loading [Terrain Reset 0.6.0]
[Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.DeclaredMethod: Could not find method for type Console and name InputText and parameters
[Warning: HarmonyX] Unknown patch - Could not find method InputText with 0 parameters in type Console, but it was found in base class of this type Terminal
[info : BepInEx] Loading [CameraMod]
[info : Unity Log] 1ST FOV:85
[info : Unity Log] 3RD FOV:65
[info : Unity Log] bowzoomON:False
[info : Unity Log] bowzoomFOV:65
[info : Unity Log] bowzoomSpeed:2
[info : Unity Log] smoothCam: False
[info : Unity Log] FPVmouseSensitivityON: False
[info : Unity Log] FPVmouseSensitivity: 1
[info : Unity Log] LvlUpMove: False
[info : Unity Log] slightlyTaller: False
[info : Unity Log] DamageText_delay: 1
[info : Unity Log] DamageText_size: 28
[info : Unity Log] nearClipMin: 0,1
[info : BepInEx] Loading [FireIsHot 1.0.0]
[info : BepInEx] Loading [unfrighten Tamed Animals 0.0.1]
[info : BepInEx] Loading [JotunnLib 0.1.8]
[Warning: HarmonyX] AccessTools.DeclaredMethod: Could not find method for type Console and name InputText and parameters
[Error : Unity Log] ArgumentException: Undefined target method for patch method static void JotunnLib.Patches.ConsoleCommandsPatches+ConsoleInputTextPatch::Postfix(Console& __instance)
Stack trace:
HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.PatchWithAttributes (System.Reflection.MethodBase& lastOriginal) (at <48ac0133328b486983afe98eee5b730e>:0)
HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.Patch () (at <48ac0133328b486983afe98eee5b730e>:0)
Rethrow as HarmonyException: Patching exception in method null
HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.ReportException (System.Exception exception, System.Reflection.MethodBase original) (at <48ac0133328b486983afe98eee5b730e>:0)
HarmonyLib.PatchClassProcessor.Patch () (at <48ac0133328b486983afe98eee5b730e>:0)
HarmonyLib.Harmony.<PatchAll>b__11_0 (System.Type type) (at <48ac0133328b486983afe98eee5b730e>:0)
HarmonyLib.CollectionExtensions.Do[T] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] sequence, System.Action`1[T] action) (at <48ac0133328b486983afe98eee5b730e>:0)
HarmonyLib.Harmony.PatchAll (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) (at <48ac0133328b486983afe98eee5b730e>:0)
HarmonyLib.Harmony.PatchAll () (at <48ac0133328b486983afe98eee5b730e>:0)
JotunnLib.JotunnLib.Awake () (at <9d5e45e8ae9f49e4a401a87ca18f201b>:0)
[info : BepInEx] Loading [unrestrictedPortals 1.4.2]
[Message:UnrestrictedPortals] Loading configuration...
[Message:UnrestrictedPortals] Successfully loaded configuration.
[Message:UnrestrictedPortals] Loading patches...
[Message:UnrestrictedPortals] Successfully loaded patches.
[info : BepInEx] Loading [Jotunn 2.3.4]
[info : Jotunn] Initializing LocalizationManager
[info : Jotunn] Initializing CommandManager
[info : Jotunn] Initializing InputManager
[info : Jotunn] Initializing SkillManager
[info : Jotunn] Initializing PrefabManager
[info : Jotunn] Initializing ItemManager
[info : Jotunn] Initializing PieceManager
[info : Jotunn] Initializing MockManager
[info : Jotunn] Initializing KitbashManager
[info : Jotunn] Initializing GUIManager
[info : Jotunn] Initializing SynchronizationManager
[info : Jotunn] Jötunn v2.3.4 loaded successfully
[info : BepInEx] Loading [skillInjectorMod 1.1.1]
[info : BepInEx] Loading [OdinArchitect 0.1.0]
[info :OdinArchitect.OdinArchitect] Embedded resources: OdinArchitect.odinarchitect
[info : BepInEx] Loading [Teleportable Wagon Mod 1.0.0]
[info : BepInEx] Loading [More Gates 1.0.10]
[info : BepInEx] Loading [Valheim Plus Build Expansion 1.0.8]
[info : BepInEx] Loading [beastsOfBurden 1.0.4]
[info :BeastsOfBurden] Loading Beasts of Burden
[info : BepInEx] Loading [Valheim Plus 0.9.9]
[info :Valheim Plus] Trying to load the configuration file
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section AdvancedBuildingMode
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section AdvancedEditingMode
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Bed
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Beehive
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Building
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Deconstruct
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Inventory
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Items
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Fermenter
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section FireSource
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Food
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Smelter
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Furnace
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Hotkeys
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Kiln
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Windmill
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section SpinningWheel
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Map
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Player
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Server
[info : Unity Log] Loading key maxPlayers
[info : Unity Log] Loading key disableServerPassword
[info : Unity Log] Loading key enforceMod
[info : Unity Log] Loading key serverSyncsConfig
[info : Unity Log] Loading key serverSyncHotkeys
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Stamina
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section StaminaUsage
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Workbench
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Time
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Ward
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section StructuralIntegrity
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Tameable
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Hud
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Experience
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Camera
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Game
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Wagon
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Gathering
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Pickable
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Durability
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Armor
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section FreePlacementRotation
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Shields
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section FirstPerson
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section GridAlignment
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section CraftFromChest
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section ValheimPlus
[info : Unity Log] Loading key mainMenuLogo
[info : Unity Log] Loading key serverBrowserAdvertisement
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section PlayerProjectile
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section MonsterProjectile
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section GameClock
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info : Unity Log] Loading config section Brightness
[info : Unity Log] Section not enabled
[info :Valheim Plus] Configuration file loaded succesfully.
[info :Valheim Plus] ValheimPlus [0.9.9] is up to date.
[info : BepInEx] Loading [Fight Club 1.0]
[info : BepInEx] Loading [Mod Config Enforcer 1.4]
[info : BepInEx] Loading [Equipment and Quick Slots 2.0.14]
[info : BepInEx] Loading [Cooking Skill 1.1.5]
[info : BepInEx] Loading [Teleport Wolves 0.0.1]
[info : BepInEx] Loading [æè½å½±åè´é 1.0]
[info : BepInEx] Loading [snap Points Made Easy 1.1.2]
[info : Unity Log] Loaded settings!
EnableModKey: RightControl
[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:12: Starting to load scene:start
[Warning: Unity Log] Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (Amb_MainMenu).
[info : Unity Log] Version generator started.
[info : Unity Log] Version generated with enforced mod : [email protected]
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:17: Valheim version:[email protected]
[info : Unity Log] Version generator started.
[info : Unity Log] Version generated with enforced mod : [email protected]
[info :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 1 commands to the Console
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:17: Render threading mode:LegacyJobified
[info : Unity Log] Version generator started.
[info : Unity Log] Version generated with enforced mod : [email protected]
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:17: Using steam_appid.txt
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:17: Using steam APPID:92
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:18: Authentication:k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Attempting
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:18: Steam initialized, persona:One4ae4ek
[Warning: Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:18: Missing audio clip in music respawn
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:18: Checking for installed DLCs
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:18: DLC:beta installed:False
[info : Unity Log] Version generator started.
[info : Unity Log] Version generated with enforced mod : [email protected]
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:19: Loaded localization CSV:localization language:English
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:19: Loaded localization CSV:localization_extra language:English
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:19: Loaded localization CSV:localization language:Russian
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:19: Loaded localization CSV:localization_extra language:Russian
[info :Jotunn.Managers.LocalizationManager] Loading custom localizations
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:19: Loaded localization CSV:localization language:English
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:19: Loaded localization CSV:localization_extra language:English
[info :Jotunn.Managers.LocalizationManager] Adding tokens for language 'English'
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:19: Loaded localization CSV:localization language:Russian
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:19: Loaded localization CSV:localization_extra language:Russian
[info :Jotunn.Managers.LocalizationManager] Adding tokens for language 'Russian'
[info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 1 custom items to the ObjectDB
[info : Unity Log] id 0
[info : Unity Log] name
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:19: UI Group status changed Menu = True
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:21: UI Group status changed Menu = True
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:23: FOund selected Start game
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:23: show character selection
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:24: OnCharacterStart
[info : Unity Log] Version generator started.
[info : Unity Log] Version generated with enforced mod : [email protected]
[info :Jotunn.Managers.CommandManager] Adding 1 commands to the Console
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:29: Loading player profile teag
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:29: Zonesystem Awake 354
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:29: DungeonDB Awake 354
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:29: Steam initialized, persona:One4ae4ek
[info : Unity Log] Version generator started.
[info : Unity Log] Version generated with enforced mod : [email protected]
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:29: Registering lobby
[info :Jotunn.Managers.PrefabManager] Adding 127 custom prefabs to the ZNetScene
[info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 1 custom items to the ObjectDB
[info :Jotunn.Managers.ItemManager] Adding 1 custom recipes to the ObjectDB
[info :Jotunn.Managers.PieceManager] Adding 4 custom piece table categories
[info :Jotunn.Managers.PieceManager] Adding 123 custom pieces to the PieceTables
[info :Jotunn.Managers.MockManager] Destroying Mock prefabs
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:34: Audioman already exist, destroying self
[info : Unity Log] Version generator started.
[info : Unity Log] Version generated with enforced mod : [email protected]
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:34: Checking for installed DLCs
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:34: DLC:beta installed:False
[info : PlantEverything] Authoritative Config Registered
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:37: Zonesystem Start 354
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:38: Added 3 locations from locations_cp1
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:38: DungeonDB Start 354
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:38: Load world one4ae4ek
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:38: Loading 264482 zdos , my id 1452731576 data version:28
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:39: Loaded 100000 dead zdos
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:39: Removed 0 OLD generated ZDOS
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:39: Loaded 7407 locations
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:39: Starting respawn
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:39: Lobby was created k_EResultOK 109775241006449966 error:False
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:39: Got requested lobby data
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:51: Unpacking compressed mapdata 12741
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:52: tip:$loadscreen_tip14
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:10:52: Got requested lobby data
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:00: Spawned after 8,019994
[info : Unity Log] id 0
[info : Unity Log] name ...
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:00: Minimap: Adding unique location (-61.5, 63.6, 0.7)
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:02: Resumed music meadows at 0
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:19: UI Group status changed MenuRoot = True
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:24: UI Group status changed MenuRoot = True
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:42: UI Group status changed MenuRoot = True
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:43: UI Group status changed MenuRoot = False
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:43: Game - OnApplicationQuit
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:43: Shuting down
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:44: Uncompressed size 8389108
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:44: Compressed size 12741
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:44: ZNet Shutdown
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:44: clone 332
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:45: Sending disconnect msg
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:45: Disposing socket
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:45: Stopping listening socket
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:45: Last socket, unregistering callback
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:45: ZSteamSocket UnregisterGlobalCallbacks, existing sockets:0
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:48: Steam manager on destroy
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:48: FOund selected Button_yes
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:48: ZNet OnDestroy
[info : Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:48: Net scene destroyed
[Warning: Unity Log] 09/28/2021 21:11:49: Local player destroyed
[Warning: HarmonyX] UnpatchAll has been called with harmonyID=null - This will remove ALL HARMONY PATCHES. If you want to only unpatch patches created by this instance (harmony-auto-c8ed7850-9ee3-4f55-b7bb-a0c6d972a410), use UnpatchSelf() instead.
[Warning: HarmonyX] UnpatchAll has been called with harmonyID=null - This will remove ALL HARMONY PATCHES. If you want to only unpatch patches created by this instance (harmony-auto-a44cb140-9d70-4aae-9cdb-ad728ad2f2ba), use UnpatchSelf() instead.

I will attach a screenshot of the mods folder

I tried to fix the problem myself but couldn't find the cause. A other version of Harmony could not find, except for the files from github

Edited by zcul
Log info put behind a spoiler
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Thank me for an urgent solution to the problem soon.

By the method of adding a pack of mods, I found an error.

It was caused by the 'BuildExpansion' mod because of it the list of buildings got lost and they moved somewhere to the left, and the last crafting of buildings was completely empty.

The error that occurs in the logs is easy to understand was caused by the 'JotunnLib' mods, but I did not see anything other than this terrible red inscription. So I left it and it doesn't bother me at all (He himself is needed for one mod to work)

Edited by one4ae4ek
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