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Project Nevada Hotkey and Menu Problem

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It has been a while since I have played FNV and after loading it back up and checking for NVSE and mod updates, I can't get Project Nevada to work properly; none of the hotkeys for the features seem to be working. I get the icon for the grenade, but G and H do nothing. Pressing the L-Shift just makes me walk like normal FNV. When I open up the PN menu I can't assign any hotkeys, it just brings up the "press new key" option and doesn't respond to anything I hit so I have to ESC out of it. I can't even scroll down in to the lower sections of the menu; it will let me go down if I hit S (but clicking the arrows does nothing) but then it won't go back up.

At first I thought it was a MCM problem, but I have completely removed MCM and done a clean save and reinstallation of PN. I've cycled through clean saves with and without PN and MCM, I've double and triple checked my load orders and I've spent a lot of time trying to sift through the forums.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this, please let me know. I really want to do a FNV playthrough but I just can't bring myself to play without Project Nevada.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have this problem with "The directors chair" too ;~; its annoying the hell outta me but that does mean its an mcm bug doesnt it ?

Edited by Whatevalols
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Have you completely reinstalled MCM after installing Project Nevada? From what I head, PN comes with its own outdated version of MCM. Either install the new MCM over the top of it, or don't allow PN to overwrite MCM's files.

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