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NPC's fail to cast Runes


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Hi all


I've been trying to get NPC's to lay boobytraps -- however, they fail to cast Runes when told to do so via a multitude of ways. The following examples do not work:


Method 1 of 2: This works fine when making someone Summon a Storm Atronach.

; Force equip the spell.
(akActionRef as Actor).EquipSpell(RuneSpellRef, 0)
; Force cast the spell.

Method 2 of 2: Using AI Procedures


Similarly, I've made a Procedure based on UseMagic which also fails. The condition for casting is the Spell being equipped in the left hand -- which is forced by another Script.




In both of these cases, I can hear the spell being charged, but it's always followed by the "fizzle" noise. So, it appears as if the system is struggling to cast as desired, but it can't aim at the correct target (nearby surface).


To try and engineer around this, I made a copy of the ShockRune Spell and related MagicEffect, but changed the type to Aimed. The Rune was successfully cast, though it would manifest in thin air and then change its Alpha to 0. When I walked by, it detonated -- however, I couldn't get the NPC's to aim at the ground, and SnapToNavmesh didn't work to reign in the abberant behavior.


Either way, I just want this spell to cast correctly. Ideally, it should do the usual: drain Magicka from the spellcaster; and only allow 1 or 2 Runes at a time depending on the Perks of the caster; etc..

Suggestions appreciated!


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  • 2 years later...

tbh, based on thingsi read when using creation kit to creat my own followers, there was rumors of npc being unable to cast certain kinds of spells, I don't think there is ever atime in the game whereyou actually witness an npc casting a rune spell, they are usually just already laid out like traps by the developers..


I could be wrong tho, dont want to get your hopes completely down.. But if anyone can figure it out, I bet it will be you! haha

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Hey folks!


Yeah, unfortunately, this was confirmed as a "broken" feature of Skyrim by everyone I met both here and on Reddit.


My guess is it's possible to "cheat" by creating a Rune somewhere else, and then moving it into position using MoveTo. Alternatively, you could try to use PlaceAtMe by casting the prefabbed Rune ref as a Form, and seeing if that worked -- but it would likely blow up for the Caster as well.


I gave up on this and instead used Wall of Fire / Frost / Shock for area control, and that worked out pretty darned good. I'd encourage others to do the same, probably a big savings on sanity. :)

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