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Weird Holes in Interior Ceilings


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  • 1 year later...

I know its been years since this thread has came up but im struggling so hard to fix the issue. I made sure me enblocal.ini is set to read only, I installed the NMC patch through NMM, I set FixTransparencyBug to false, noooothing helps. The only thing that i have gathered is that the problem stems from installing an ENB. I know this is true because the moment I installed an ENB, I went to the Dino gift shop in Novac and the black holes are still there! Anybody have a link to a tutorial on how to fix this or no a for certain way to help?

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One reason you aren't supposed to "necro" old posts is that the original posters are probably not still playing. In addition, your "load order" is almost certainly different than the OP's and most likely not identical; similar symptoms does not equal similar causes. The "pre-set" you are using also has an impact. If you need to ask further questions, please start your own thread and provide ALL the information requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article.


You misunderstood the quoted line. You don't want the ENBLocal.INI file to be "read only". If it is, your changes won't take effect.


Please see the 'Solutions to Post-Processor (ENB/SweetFX et. al.) problems' section in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide. There are a number of settings in both the game and your video card configuration that need to be made.



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  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...

I know this thread is a bit old, but this is for anyone like me that's been looking for an answer to this problem:


Download the ENB version .150 from ----> http://enbdev.com/mod_falloutnv_v0150.htm


Extract, then copy the d3d9.dll into your New Vegas install folder and overwrite.


At least in my case, this let me keep my ENB (ENB of the Apocalypse in this case) AND be able to walk into the Dino Gift Shop without being able to see through the ceiling.

Thanks so much!

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