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A Dog/God merged Companion


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Original text deleted because I'm going to try and make this companion myself.


Emphasis on the word TRY.



I am following this guide to create a companion:





Running into problems with Step 3.


Still working on it, but can't seem to define Variable Name in Parameter 2.


Whenever I click the dropdown menu, all it says is NONE.


Edit: I just jumped all those steps by duplicating Dog's behavior protocols.

It seemed a more efficient way to go then creating them all over from scratch.

I hope it works.



The next part though, looks pretty painful.

I think that can wait a bit until my brain stops melting from information overload! :sick:



Working on his discussion tree at the moment.

Can't seem to add his Greeting text, but the rest is laid out as specified.

Edited by XTgrndr
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