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Two requests: Undeath patch and Unarmed


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So I have two mod requests. I know there are gonna be some people on here who go all "why don't you make them yourself?" Because coding is a b&@*$. Anyway, to the fun part:


My first request is a mod patch for Undeath- Ascension and Konahrik's Accoutrements (might've spelled that wrong). I really like how Undeath-Ascension shows the dragon priest masks in Lich form, and I love how it shows off Miraak's robes and armor in it too with special textures. Unfortunately, I hate Miraak's masks and robes. They suck. I'd like to be able to use Vokun's or Otar's, which are two of my favorites for a Lich build, and have the robes and armor show up in Lich form as well. If someone could make a patch so they work together, that'd be sick.


My second request is for a full on mod. I really wanna do an unarmed fighter build, but I have mods that add extra enchantments to the game (Triumverate and Summermyst) and I'd like to use a few of them as well. Problem is, any mod that adds unarmed dmg weapons doesn't use the unarmed setting. I have Ordinator, and it includes perks to up unarmed dmg and some skills, but requires two free hands. My idea for this mod is a spell that goes in the left or right hand, while holding an enchanted weapon in the other, and when you use the spell, it applies the enchantment(s) on the weapon to your fists for when using unarmed. It might annoying when doing Brawls as I don't know if that nulls the brawl with the "no magic rule" but it would be nice if this could be a thing, so I can use the enchantments along with unarmed build.

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