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Installing Project Nevada, WMX and EVE


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I need help installing the Mods Project Nevada, WMX and EVE. i tried it a few times, but when i start a new Game it crashes and im back at the Desktop.

The other Mods i have installed are dD Enhanced Blood Textures, Nevada Skies and Roleplayer's Alternative Start.

I dont know how to get the right load order so dont tell me how stupid i am because mine is wrong.



01-Project Nevada - Core.esm

02-Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

03-Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

04-Project Nevada - Rebalance.esm

05-Project Nevada - WMX.esp

06-Project Nevada - EVE No DLC.esp



09-EVE FNV - No DLC.esp

10-dD Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp

11-Nevada Skies.esp

12-Alternative Start.esp


I dont have any DLS's, only the Game. I'm running it on Win7 (32-bit) and it's the Original Steam Version.

I hope these Mods are compatible with each other. Please tell me what i'm doing wrong. If you need more Information to help me, ask for it and i will tell you more about it.




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I am relatively new to modding, but in my experience it is always good to backtrack until you get it right. What I mean by this is delete the last mod you downloaded, try the game, if it doesn't work repeat and try again until it works. What you also need to pay attention to is your load order and the requirements for the specific mods you are downloading. Modding can be relatively easy but frustrating at the same time. I hope this helps, good luck!

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The problem is your load order. Generally, if an esp has another mods name in it's title, it needs to load after that mod. Try this:



Project Nevada (all of the esps)W


Project Nevada - WMX


Project Nevada - EVE

WMX - EVE Patch


Then the rest of your mods. It should now work

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