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Skeletal Companion Script


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I am not new to making my own mods, but I am new to scripts. I just did the tutorials given by Bethesda, and so...I'm ambitious. What I want to do is to create a script that is linked to an activator (the tool kit on the table). The end goal: spawn a skeletal follower.



I want there to be a requirement for the script to go through. If the player has 1 Black Filled Soul Gem, 1 Bone Meal, 1 Void Salts, and 1 Troll Fat, it will disable the skeleton on the table and spawn a new skeletal follower in its place. I already have the actor EmiG_SkeletalCompanion01, so I just need it to appear.


Here is my script so far:

Scriptname EmiG_MakeSkeleton01DisappearScript extends ObjectReference
{Will make the Skeleton disappear.}
objectreference property EmiG_skeletoncompanion auto
auto state waiting
event onactivate(objectreference akactionref)
state done
ingredient property bonemeal auto
int property quantity auto
actor playerref
event onactivate(objectreference akactivator)
playerref = game.getplayer()
if akactivator == playerref
playerref.removeitem(bonemeal, quantity)
So far, I can remove items from the player's inventory, but I want the operation to fail if the player does not have the ingredients. Additionally, I would like the skeleton companion to spawn in the "EmiG_SkeletonCompanion" static skeleton's place. Can anyone help me?
Edited by EmilioRGarcia
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