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An Alternate Bitter Cup


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I just drank a potion of Sujamma in order to fortify my strength score and drain my intelligence, making sure the Bittercup would make me stronger and dumber (I'm playing a pure fighter type, no magic). So, when you think about it, the Cup sort of just made the effects of the alcohol permanent, at least partially so: my character is now forever at the very least a little bit tipsy, an endless stream of alcohol fueling his strength and dulling his intellect.


That got me thinking: what if, instead of just improving your best stat by 20 points and decreasing your worst by the same amount, you'd pour an alcoholic beverage of your choice from your inventory into the initially empty Bittercup, and upon drinking it the Cup's enchantment will make the effects permanent on you? I feel that this would be an exciting alternative, somewhat lore-friendly, and make for intriguing roleplaying opportunities and allow you to be eternally drunk.


Flin and Cyrodiilic Brandy, having only bonuses with no penalties, would probably make for the best choice of drink. If you don't mind the absolutely massive intelligence penalty (and have probably modded out the hard limit of 100-point maximum), you can put in some Sujamma instead to get a pretty monstrous increase in strength. Skooma would be the only way to improve speed - and probably make for some truly interesting roleplaying opportunities - and if you're foolish enough to pour in Anciend Dagoth Brandy, which of course grants no bonuses whatsoever, the artifact gives you 20 luck instead for being a truly insane bastard. Why would you even drink a whole bottle of four-millennia-old horrifyingly corrupted and probably outright poisonous alcohol? Man, you're crazy, here, you're gonna need all the luck you can get out there to survive.


The only drawback would be that there wouldn't be a way to increase personality or intelligence anymore.

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