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deciphering Skyrim standard savefile names?


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Well like the title suggests, I'm wondering if there's a (reasonably easy) way to decipher the confusing file name s that Skyrim produces without tedious opening each in re-saver. I haven't deleted more than one or two saves since I began playing in early 2019 (February fwiw), so you can probably guess that I have a "large" number of files to parse.


I often make named saves from console, so they're easy to separate, but the vast bulk are created using the MCM game save utility


Hoping to discern level and character.


thanks in advance.

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Thank you Ishara. Much appreciated. Exactly what I need.


Merry Christmas to you and yours (or if you don't, the intended spirit is the same)...


I'd wish you a happy Bel Tine, but a) it's not early Spring, and b) don't think we're celebrating that holiday during this turning ;)

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