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Fallout 4 Console Command Search Engine


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I typically read in here. Fallout 4 is my favorite game, I keep going back to it time and time again!


I do play with .bat files and console commands.... not everyone does and this is ok too. I started getting my videos uploaded of my different playthroughs when I want to fart around with those.


Console commands have always been kept in a notepad file, with all kinds of notes . I kept this file open on a display as well as my browser open on another display as I play my game on yet another display. I got tired of this and went on a search for a online console commands search engine. I never could find one, so I made my own.


This is the meat of the post. This is a project in the making. If you too are looking for such a thing I put it at https://fo4ccst.mrsroadrunner.com


This might come in handy for ya, who knows? Again, I am updating it often.

Hope you have a good day and dont get hurt in the wasteland!

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Hi thanks for making this search engine...

right off the top though i was wishing there was a long lIST or DIRECTORY underneath the search boxes


because often you cannot remember the exact spelling of some of the commands so if you could scroll down a list of them you could obtain CLUES... :)


if you need a mySQL database or something I am a retired webprogrammer... i am willing to help

because once i learned how 'corrupt' the game was I have used console commands since like day 2 :)

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Hi thanks for making this search engine...

right off the top though i was wishing there was a long lIST or DIRECTORY underneath the search boxes


because often you cannot remember the exact spelling of some of the commands so if you could scroll down a list of them you could obtain CLUES... :smile:


if you need a mySQL database or something I am a retired webprogrammer... i am willing to help

because once i learned how 'corrupt' the game was I have used console commands since like day 2 :smile:


Hello there,

Oh wow I sure could have used your talents today haha!! I just implemented a "faster" way of inserting data.

Is their some way you could send a pic of what you are talking about so I could see an example? Even jotting it down on a piece of paper and taking a pic would help to know what you are talking about.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If you want to see something that is not yet in the database let me know. We all know there is a gazillion commands out there haha. If you want to contact me in private this is fine as well. I am all over the web.


We also know each mod may also have a list of console commands specially for that mod. If this is the case and I dont use that mod, you know the drill, just let me know that mod's name.



As always be careful using mods and console commands all that stuff you have read before.

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  • 5 months later...

Not to be rude but Malwarebytes is throwing this: "Website blocked due to fraud"


Maybe not the best host for something you put all this effort into and which sounds pretty nifty?

Some of the other behavior I see when opening the site doesn't instill confidence either. Not a site I will be using.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Na, my server, cpanels and all the websites made on my server, cpanels are all secure. Never have I received any screen shots of this "Website blocked due to fraud", from anyone......


It is not like I am hard to get a hold of haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

for settler spawns there are more codes than you have so far" to spawn a settler:

player.placeatme 00020593 1

player.placeatme 0002DFFF 1

player.placeatme 0003D62A 1

player.placeatme 301054D 1 This is a Far Harbor Settler


I am a SWORN console player loving your search engine

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